Stocking idea for silver dollars, large severum died, want a different big cichlid

jason longboard

MFK Member
Apr 12, 2007
Hey guys, long time no see, so I've always kept severums and silvers, and I got two large feather fin cats in here too, 125 gallon.

This tanks been through everything, including central americans until my vieja grew up and tried to kill every cichlid in town, so gave him away.

Anyways the rest of the time was mostly sevs, chocolates, acaras

So now my old sweet green sev died over night, he was eating yesterday morning, then last night was hiding and wanted no food, then dead this morning, i got him as full grown about 5 years ago.

So now I have the two large feather fin cats, 9 large silver dollars, lots of drift wood, pool filter sand substrate, two 110 aqua clear hang on backs, a large sponge filter and a power head with jebo cartrages, ............i love the silvers, wide bar, tiger stripes

i had a female jag for a bit way back that left silvers alone, I would love to do a female jag, but what other bigger cichlids could i do that won't stress out or hurt the silvers?

female jag, green terror, jack, vieja maybe, any thoughts


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Mar 30, 2020
I love my chocolates. A H liberifer or H notatus sevs would cohab with no issues. The H notaus being a unicorn in the hobby depending on your location.
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Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 15, 2017
Philadelphia, PA
If you currently have 9 adult silver dollars (some wide bars, Myloplus schomburgki, and some tiger, Metynnis fasciatus) in a 6 foot 125g tank….(in any combination)….
Best is to call it fully stocked.

Perhaps a pleco, or a few cories, or Otto’s, but best not to introduce any other large fish.
I understand you may be an experienced aquarist, but why push it. Currently the tank may not seem understocked, but it is, even with just those fish. Under- is always much better than overstocked. It may not matter today but it will as soon as any difficulties begin, which can be any time.