September 2024 POTM - Vote Now!

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POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Maybe I take the title too literally but I generally try to vote for the best photo, not the coolest or rarest or most expensive fish, or the healthiest or biggest, or deadliest, or whatever.
That’s the goal of the contest. It shouldn’t matter if it’s a goldfish or Goliath tiger - it’s the picture that counts.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jun 26, 2024
Okeana Ohio
Maybe I take the title too literally but I generally try to vote for the best photo, not the coolest or rarest or most expensive fish, or the healthiest or biggest, or deadliest, or whatever.
I agree mate. Each to their own as far as voting goes, the only constellation being that the pic that is most in focus on the subject is way ahead of the pack.
This months comp is a farce with anonymity rule clearly violated without consequence. The rule needs to be removed or upheld or it’s no more than a suggestion. Are the other rules suggestions also?


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
... Being one of the youngest members here definitely comes with certain "privileges".
Actually,, it doesn't. :)

Good point made by danotaylor danotaylor regarding rules vs "suggestions"...or guidelines...

"We're living in a society here...!" :)
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Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
I agree mate. Each to their own as far as voting goes, the only constellation being that the pic that is most in focus on the subject is way ahead of the pack.
This months comp is a farce with anonymity rule clearly violated without consequence. The rule needs to be removed or upheld or it’s no more than a suggestion. Are the other rules suggestions also?
You are completely right. I kind of blame myself for giving away the identity of my pic, but I did it to clear the confusion for John and Esox. Otherwise, the rules here are to be followed strictly.

I apologize for this mistake and promise to follow the rules strictly from now on, as I want to emphasize that rules are not to be bent, since personal preferences can hinder the real purpose of the competition


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
You are completely right. I kind of blame myself for giving away the identity of my pic, but I did it to clear the confusion for John and Esox.
"Kind of blame myself..."?????!!! What do you mean by "kind of"? There's no "kind of" involved here! 😧

And no shifting the blame onto me or Esox either! I "kind of" knew/suspected whose fish that was, and I "kind of" beat around the bush about using names, but I didn't feel any particular confusion about the identity of the perpetrator of this ruse. :)

Now, okay, maybe Esox was a bit slow on the uptake, but...we make allowances...:ROFL:
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Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
"Kind of blame myself..."?????!!! What do you mean by "kind of"? There's no "kind of" involved here!

And no shifting the blame onto me or Esox either! I "kind of" knew/suspected whose fish that was, and I "kind of" beat around the bush about using names, but I didn't feel any particular confusion about the identity of the perpetrator of this ruse.

Now, okay, maybe Esox was a bit slow on the uptake, but...we make allowances...:)
Ok, ok, John! No need for the WOW reaction or quoting my post. I admit I did say, "I wonder who that picture belongs to," but it wasn’t that direct! That comment kind of faded away over time. But Esox went ahead and restarted the whole thing, and you were right behind! So, if not fully, I do partially blame you two. 😄


MFK Member
Dec 28, 2007
Astoria, NY
Funny thing is from prior posts and conversations here on the forum i kinda of know whos fish is whos for exemple i know whos Midas that is and AR i figured that was your wolf from your post GONE.
But i voted
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