40 gallon long stoking


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 16, 2024
For your 40-gallon long tank, here are a few ideas that can work well for your setup:

1. Schooling Fish (Mid-level swimmers):
• Rummy Nose Tetras or Harlequin Rasboras are great options. Both species are peaceful, stay in schools, and create a striking visual effect.
• Neon Tetras or Cardinal Tetras are also classic choices that add color to your tank and will thrive in a well-planted tank.
2. Shrimp for the bottom:
• Amano Shrimp or Cherry Shrimp are popular choices. Amano shrimp are great algae eaters, while Cherry Shrimp add some color. They’ll be a good match for a peaceful community tank as long as there aren’t aggressive fish that might eat them.
3. Top-level Fish that eat bugs:
• Consider Hatchetfish (such as the Silver Hatchetfish or Marble Hatchetfish). They are surface dwellers and will eagerly eat insects that fall into the tank. However, keep the tank covered because they’re known to jump.
• Betta splendens (male or female) could also be a fit as they hang out near the surface and can eat bugs, but be mindful of compatibility with other fish.

Would you like advice on compatibility between specific species or tips on caring for any of these?


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Apr 1, 2024
Ok is it possible to do badis badis with maybe black neons and hatchet fish? Also what is the difference in scarlet badis and badis badis? And do you have any tips on keeping hatchet fish?
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 16, 2024
Yes, it’s possible to keep Badis badis with Black Neons and Hatchetfish, but there are some things to consider when mixing these species.

Compatibility of Badis badis with Black Neons and Hatchetfish:

• Badis badis are generally peaceful but can be a bit territorial, especially males. They prefer a slower water flow and heavily planted tanks with hiding spots.

• Black Neon Tetras are peaceful and shoaling fish that stay in the middle region of the tank. They’re small and can coexist well with Badis badis as long as the tank is spacious enough and the badis aren’t too aggressive.

• Hatchetfish are surface dwellers and tend to be peaceful. They stay out of the way of bottom- and mid-dwelling fish like Badis and tetras, so they should work well in a community tank. Be mindful to keep the tank covered, as hatchetfish are known jumpers.

Differences Between Scarlet Badis and Badis badis:

1. Size:

• Scarlet Badis (Dario dario): Smaller, typically growing to around 2 cm (0.8 inches).
• Badis badis: Larger, growing up to 8 cm (3 inches).
2. Color:
• Scarlet Badis males are brightly colored with vivid red and blue patterns, while females are drab.
• Badis badis tend to be more subdued in color, with males having dark blue, green, and sometimes red hues, while females are less colorful.
3. Behavior:
• Scarlet Badis can be more shy and prefer smaller, peaceful tank mates. They tend to feed slowly and may have a harder time competing for food.

• Badis badis are generally more robust and less shy but can be territorial, particularly males.

Tips for Keeping Hatchetfish:

1. Tank Cover: Hatchetfish are notorious jumpers, so you absolutely need a tight-fitting lid on the tank to prevent them from leaping out.

2. Water Conditions: They prefer soft, acidic water with a temperature range of 24-28°C (75-82°F). Keep the water surface calm because they are surface feeders.

3. Diet: In the wild, hatchetfish feed on insects. In captivity, they enjoy live or frozen food like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. They may also take floating pellets or flakes, but live foods will really bring out their natural behavior.

4. Tank Setup: Provide plenty of floating plants to make them feel secure near the water’s surface. These plants also mimic their natural environment and help diffuse light.

Would you like advice on tank size and setup for these species or feeding habits for Badis?


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Nov 19, 2007
Any spesific apisto i should go for?
No specific apistos..they’re all pretty mild mannered and a 40 would be fine.

However, since Dario prefer cooler water, I’d personally get Apistogramma borelli, some corydoras paleatus, and some white cloud mountain minnows. They all do well in cooler water so you could get rid of the heater.
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