- Have you tested your water?
- No
- If I did not test my water...
- ...I recognize that I will likely be asked to do a test, and that water tests are critical for solving freshwater health problems.
- Do you do water changes?
- Yes
- What percentage of water do you change?
- 21-30%
- How frequently do you change your water?
- Every week
- If I do not change my water...
- ...I recognize that I will likely be recommended to do a water change, and water changes are critical for preventing future freshwater health problems.
Hello! About a week or so ago I bought 4 Pictus Catfish and after a few days that showed signs of ick. I raised the temp to 86 degrees F, and also did some aquarium salt treatments after a 25% ish water change. Nothing seemed to work. I called my LFS about what they recommend and I noted down what they said. I went to Petsmart today to see if they carry any and they didn’t. They did carry Coppersafe, which wasn’t one mentioned, but it is Fritz, another brand they mentioned, and it says it’ll treat ick. Any tips or thoughts? I’m going to that store on Saturday, so if this is a let down I can pick the exact ones up then.