Hello! I’m curious if anyone has any planted or Biotope monster fish aquariums they would like to share with me?
That background looks awesome so does the tank.I recently setup this 750 gallon tanganyikan biotope for Moba Frontosa. I'm still working to get the substrate to a more natural look.View attachment 1555200
Thank you, setting it up was quite an enjoyable project. Probably a once in a lifetime thing for me since I'm not really a hands-on type of person.That background looks awesome so does the tank.
Very nice. What are your water parameters GH 0 , KH 0, ph ?I’m slowly filling out my 300g but I do run into issues with small amounts of algae on the leaves I can’t be rid of despite 0.0.0 params but 0.5 phosphate usually. And plants being uprooted occasionally but I’m propagating faster than they get ripped up. I’ve only got fire eels as “monster fish” and they don’t take up much space outside of their pipes. And a few banded leporinus.
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Correction to the above: the GH and KH readings are in dGH and dKH, not ppm.I keep my 450gal as a South American tank and my tank water stays at pH 4.4 , GH 0.8 ppm , KH 0.6 ppm.