For Sale 17” leichardti fs

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Oct 22, 2019
Middle Atlantic Coast
New Jersey
Pickup or shipping
Pickup only
I understand that once my sale is complete...
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These are the fish I have for sale, Pick up only

17” Leichardti Arowana $600
22-23”WC Polypterus Dabola $400
22-23” WC Polypterus Bichir Bichir $450
14” WC Polypterus Bichir Bichir $200
12” WC Polypterus Congicus $120
19” WC Polypterus Ornatipinnis $300
4” Male Black Diamond stingray $500
5” Female Mini Marble Stingray $500
6” Female Mini Marble Stingray $500
is quarantine necessary if you know the fish are healthy? I never quarantine any fish if they look healthy, same goes for the people that buys my fish. Usually it’s the imported fish with issues.
These are the fish I have for sale, Pick up only

17” Leichardti Arowana $600
22-23”WC Polypterus Dabola $400
22-23” WC Polypterus Bichir Bichir $450
14” WC Polypterus Bichir Bichir $200
12” WC Polypterus Congicus $120
19” WC Polypterus Ornatipinnis $300
4” Male Black Diamond stingray $500
5” Female Mini Marble Stingray $500
6” Female Mini Marble Stingray $5

These are the fish I have for sale, Pick up only

17” Leichardti Arowana $600
22-23”WC Polypterus Dabola $400
22-23” WC Polypterus Bichir Bichir $450
14” WC Polypterus Bichir Bichir $200
12” WC Polypterus Congicus $120
19” WC Polypterus Ornatipinnis $300
4” Male Black Diamond stingray $500
5” Female Mini Marble Stingray $500
6” Female Mini Marble Stingray $500
Where’s in Nj? When can I pick up the Aro?
is quarantine necessary if you know the fish are healthy? I never quarantine any fish if they look healthy, same goes for the people that buys my fish. Usually it’s the imported fish with issues.
Nothing enters my main tanks without quarantine. Not worth the risk