125 gallon

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. CichlidKeeper01

    Question On Synodontis Catfish

    While finishing the set up of my 125, I had a question on synodontis. Is keeping three or more a good idea? I have heard that this helps to dispel aggression. Also, what are some cool species?
  2. xDestro

    Should I get a 125?

    Found a decent deal on a 125 gallon and stand... Guy said he'll deliver for 330$ he's an hour and a half away or else it would be 250$. It was used as a marine tank not drilled though. My main concerns are how well will a tank that size handle over an hour ride in the back of a truck? Could 2...
  3. swomley93

    Red Belly Piranha

    Hello, I have 5 red belly piranhas in a 125 gallon tank. I bought them 2 months ago and 2 of them are growing exponentially faster than most they are 3 times the size of the others. (Got then when they were a half an inch) I can tell the other 3 are honestly just not growing like normal ...
  4. xDestro

    Upgrade to 125 or wait?

    Basically found a 125 gallon for $100 and I'm considering getting in and having it replace a 75. But would it be better to wait for say a 180+ gallon to pop up? I guess the real question is how many more stocking options do I have with a 2ft wide tank?
  5. Murrayt

    125-150 Gallon Aggressive Stock Suggestions

    Hi everyone, I have been out of the hobby for a while now and am eager to return. For years I have kept numerous Central/South American Cichlids. I was previously prone to overstocking the tank and adding numerous fish species that although were able to coexist, became stressful worrying about...
  6. B

    125 gallon tank question

    I'm planning on buying a 125 gallon tank. I want a (monster fish) but i don't know what the best fish for this size tank would be, because obviously I don't want the tank to be too small for the fish. Any suggestions on what I should get?
  7. jvc66

    Where to find aquarium stands that won't break the bank

    Hi guys, I'm getting ready to move in to a new house and thinking about taking this opportunity and upgrading my one 90 gallon I have to a 125. I've looked at petsmart and saw their tank and stand combos but the stands just look cheap. I'm looking to find somewhere to get a stand without...
  8. Brittanirdh

    My trio chilling after breakfast

  9. Brittanirdh


    So I got my 125 gallon. Plan to move my EBJD, 1 angle, 3 Pictus cats, remaining long fin danios, and nerite snails to this tank once I get it up and running. The EBJD are obviously blue, and the angle is blue/silver/black/red/golden depending on its mood, danios are silver/yellow, Pictus silver...
  10. swomley93

    River Rocks in the aquarium

    I was wondering if it was safe ( after bleaching and or cleaning, and the vinegar test ) to put rocks from the stream in your aquarium. I have done some research and everyone i have seen has mostly said yes. And if so and there is built in green algae stuck on there will it continue to grow and...
  11. MikeGuerra


    2-3 weeks ago I put good fish in my tank to see how the water is in my 125 just set it up about a month ago. They did great so I got a silver aro a Florida gar and a CK but the past few days all the gold fish got cloudy eyes and a white film on parts of there body and also looks like some fin...
  12. MikeGuerra

    IN NEED OF LFS Around Queens PLEASE

    Hi guys just got back into the hobby with a 125 after being out for about 2 years. Just went to my 2 lfs's I always use to go to and they're really slacking they have nothing. Does anyone live in queen or Brooklyn ny and know a good lfs that usualy has some good fish. Please let me know thank you
  13. Dustin0413

    Tank and fish rescue

    I'm a forum newbie here, but I've had aquariums for over ten years and want to share my current story: The last few years my 125 gal SA cichlid tank has been at my buddies house/old roomate. I decided to leave it there after my wife and I bought a new house. He kept the tank for the last 4...
  14. P

    First Tank (125 gallon) - Which Cichlids should I get?

    I just bought a 125 gallon fish tank and it will be my first tank ever. I want to put Cichlids in it, so I'm looking for suggestions on which ones I should get. I'm looking for low-maintenance, colorful Cichlids that are the least likely to become aggressive against each other. I plan to buy...