300 gallon

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. GoldFinger

    Help with sump set-up

    Hey guys I would love some help figuring out how to build my sump. My tank will house an Asian Arowana with possible discus and a ray or eel. The tank is going to be 84x30x28 with a 3 foot external ghost overflow at the back coupled with Bean Animal drains and two returns. I would like to go as...
  2. Addi_13

    Glass Thickness for New Aquarium.

    Hello Guys, I have a 16" Silver Arowana, Shortbody Flowerhorn, 2 Oscars, 4 Blood Parrot and few loaches in 150 Gallon tank. But as the fishes are growing up, I am planning to upgrade my aquarium to a 300 Gallon setup. The dimensions are 78 L X 30 W X 36 H. I asked my local...
  3. M@T!@$

    340 gallon tank on Craigslist?

    So this guy has a "340" gallon tank on Craigslist for sale for $200, even though in the pic the tank looks tiny? He said its 96 x 30 x30 Hope to hear back from him What do you guys think? It looks like a 125 imo
  4. Diesel Street

    Transferring Taco the Pacu. A LITTLE ADVICE HERE!!!!

    Okay........Hello to all (by the way)! Pretty new to MFK's.com but been keeping fish since the 9th grade (im old as F**k, now!). Taco had been in a 29 gallon for thr 1st 6mo's of his life, then a 55 gallon for the next 12-14 mo's up until now. Taco's next move is the 300 gallon Rubbermaid stock...
  5. C

    Adding Smaller Cichlids with Larger

    Hi all! I have a black belt cichlid that needs to be moved out of its grow out tank since it is beginning to show aggression to others. This fish is 4 to 5 inches. At what size can I add this fish into a 300 gallon with much larger 9 to 10 inch cichlids (Jag, Bifa and Mayan)?