
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Liaker

    Just got myself a cube-ish 60Gallon/240Liter tank, tips for stocking.

    Hello! Been a while, come around and give your ideas! Please. Bought a tank from a friend who needed space. So here I am, pondering what to get while it cycles. Dimensions cm: 59 x 59 x 70 Dimensions inch: 23 x 23 x 27 With a 85(cm) / 33(inch) tall stand. Looking to keep it freshwater and...
  2. C

    Questions about a future plywood build.

    People with experience in building plywood tanks, I'm planning on building a plywood tank. It will measure 220 x 60 x 60 cm. That's roughly 7x2x2". Will 20mm thick plywood suffice for this build? The glass panel would be 200x50 cm. Would 12mm thick glass give a good safety ratio? Also...
  3. L

    What would do well in this tank and is it big enough/ and species problems so far

    440 gallons, 1 Fly River Turtle, 1 Giant Gourami
  4. S

    Is $390 a fair price for this flowerhorn

    Was looking to get my first flowerhorn and wanted to ask if the prices were in line with the quality. I have the option of getting one from at petzonesd as I only live an hour away but these looked light higher quality. Just wanted to see if people thought it was worth it. #1 $390 #2 $370...
  5. J

    looking to buy arapiama

    i just recently got two 5 inch piamas from predatory fins and had issues with shipping and feeding since they were so little i’m not really trying to go thorough all that hassle again, so im looking for an arapiama over 10 inches in or near colorado or california if shipping is possible that’d...
  6. B

    Stingray newbie- advise needed

    I got her last month from a well known fish store in the country. She seems to between 6-7inch. I was told that she is SWC which I’m given to understand is a hybrid black diamond. I believe her breeder is in Thailand. She has been active from the day I got her. She is very responsive and wants...
  7. J

    Any beginner trout?

    Hi all! I am new to the hobby and plan to get a tank later this year, a little on the larger size but it depends on what space I have to work with since I'll be moving houses soon. Can't explain why but I've been very interested in trout (rainbow, brook, blue spotted hill) so I was wondering...
  8. Isaiah75

    Discus Not Eating

    Hello all, I’ve got a discus that I can’t get to eat and has had white/mucus like feces. It’s been a few days since I’ve seen it eat anything. And I need any and all help/input for me to try so I don’t lose this fish. Here’s what I’ve got… I’ve got a 75 gallon aquarium. I’ve stocked it w 7...
  9. K

    Aggression In Tank?

    Hi guys! First time posting and I’m looking for advice on my tank. I currently have a 150 gallon that houses 3 bichirs that are all the same size (between 6 and 7 as I got them all at the same time. Two of them are saddled bichirs and one is a platinum Senegal. I also have four rope fish all...
  10. S

    Bicher with popeye

    Hey everyone, I'm back with more bicher concerns. I bought a bicher with popeye earlier this week, and need some guidance on helping her heal. Currently, I have her in a 10 gallon hospital tank running a sponge filter. Water parameters are: 0 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 8.4 ph 78 farenheit...
  11. Q

    L27 Xingu Royal Pleco HELP PLZ!!

    It's a long story but please bear with me I need as much help/advice anyone can give for my new baby L27 Xingu Royal Pleco. Yesterday I went to petco to purchase a pleco. I am new to the aquatic world and only had my small 10 gallon tank for a week now. My top dwellers are 3 guppies and 2 red...
  12. S

    150 gallon stocking ideas/advice

    Hello, New to this site, been keeping mixed community fish for over 20 years. Generally tropical south american and different catfish. I am upgrading from a 55 gallon (48" long) to a 150 gallon (66" long..weird dimensions). I've never had a tank this large and have no clue what I'm doing with...
  13. xenacanth9

    Anyone keep these?

    This is a Nandus black tiger leaffish. Not to be confused with black tiger badis. An LFS had one some of these not long ago but I did not end up getting any. They were $15. Are these totally freshwater, or brackish like some other Nandus? How big do they get? I couldn't find a ton of info. Are...
  14. xenacanth9

    Anyone keep "wild" bettas?

    Hi, I've been pondering a betta for my 29g. (neutral pH) I've kept splendens countless times in the past, and want to try something else. It seems as though most "wild" bettas require a crazily low pH, and my pH is about neutral. PH-wise, it seems as though I am just about limited to the...
  15. Benthebassmaster

    What is the best fish or snail to breed for profit

    I saw a video saying someone got 1000 dollars in one month by breeding mystery snails. Do you think they are the best to breed for profit
  16. Benthebassmaster

    What is a schooling fish to keep with angelfish

    What is a schooling fish that won’t get to big and won’t fin nip an angelfish
  17. W


    Hello everyone ? My lab cichlid had been acting all aggressive lately.. . . . I just found out why I saw that the female's mouth is bulging After I looked closely i found that she is carrying eggs in it.. So guys can you pzl give me some advice on what should my next step be? How do I know...
  18. Y

    Please help identify my FH

    :newbie: here. Please help in identifying this FH. The fish keeper says this is a good quality KML. Want your expert opinions in validating his claim.
  19. D

    Switching the food your fish eat

    So I normally feed my jag a variety of foods like northfin, omega one etc. Then i decided to try a bag of fluval bug bites cause of the large sized pellets. Fed it to him for about a week without switching it up, and now he won't take in anything else. I tried getting NLS won't take that either...
  20. T

    Cephalosilurus apurensis (Advice)

    Hello! I'm interested in getting a Cephalosilurus apurensis (Apure Jelly Catfish) and since there are a lot of knowledgeable people here, I thought I might be lucky enough to find someone with personal experience of keeping one. I intend to setup a new tank for this beast and my question is...