
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. T

    Worried about my large fire eel, looking for advice

    Hey everyone I don’t post often and I really should but I’m looking everywhere for advice and this is a likely spot. I’ve got 4 spiny eels right now one 15 inch tire track eel one 5 inch zig zag eel one 10 inch Borneo python eel and my beloved 16 inch fire eel I’ve raised from a baby. He has...
  2. X

    Hobby Revival - Monster Marine - Setup - Please Help

    Hi MFKers, Wordy post, please bare with me. I'm looking for help and point in the right directions. Well its been about 10-15years since I left the hobby and industry, back in the day I was heavily versed in Cichlids, L numbers and marine. Personally running 6 tanks largest being 6x2x6...
  3. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    DIY Filtration and media

    Whats your favorite DIY filter and media choice? I'm thinking of making a canister filter out of a 5 gallon pale and hook it up to my 125g for added filtration. I've seen a few different designs and ways to do it but curious to what you guys have came up with for DIY filtration and media ?
  4. Chinnavar

    Oscar tank

    Hellooo, I always wanted to have an oscar or 2, I recently found this cheap second hand Juwel rio 450 ( Dimensions are 151 x 51 x66 cm). Now I was wondering if it would be big enough for 2 oscars, a poly or 2 and a clean up crew and which filter would be ideal for this setup? Since I can save...
  5. PGJE

    Outgoing cichlids for a 23 gallon tank???

    I just recently emptied my 23 gallon tank from any fish and I was wondering what cichlids I could get? I want one that would be outgoing and swimming around a lot and excited to see me for food. I was thinking convicts, but are those too shy?
  6. B

    Need help with choosing new tankmates

    Here is the problem. I am an American and I live in Israel, in a small town in the Negev desert. Despite this aquariums are a common hobby in this town and there are 5 pet shops in this small town of 40,000 people. However the variety of fish available are limited and tend to rarely change...
  7. R

    75 gallon Jack Dempsey tankmates

    Hi, I'm setting up a 75 gallon aquarium with a Jack Dempsey as my main fish. I would prefer two, one male and one female, along with some Cory and Ottos as a cleanup crew. I would also like to add a minimum of six schooling fish that a nice to look at can hold their own in this aquarium. Any...
  8. Vikkram

    Silver Arowana in community Aquarium

    Dear Monsterfishkeepers, I have below fishes in my 240 gallon aquarium (96 inch length, 24 inch wide, 24 inch height) I am planning to move my 2 feet length Silver Arowana from my 75 gallon (4 feet tank) to my new 240 gallon. Can the Silver Arowana and my current fishes coexist and live...
  9. Vikkram

    Stocking suggestion for my 240 gallon

    Dear Monsterfishkeepers, I have added below fishes to my 240 gallon (96 inch length, 24 inch wide, 24 inch height) Please advice me whether my stocking is acceptable. I know it's overstocked. But I love all those fishes. Kindly someone suggest whether I can keep all these fishes happy. Tinfoil...
  10. P

    Advice On My Situation?

    Okay, so I've recently got ahold of 4 55G, 5 10G, a 40G and a 5G. I also have 14 1G each of which holding betta fish (They are fairly small, I know betta should be in at least a 2G)... Anyways, I spent $200 on the aquariums all together, along with each filter, lid, stand, etc. (Got a good...
  11. C

    How do you ship a lungfish?

    I've been trying to find out how to ship a lungfish but have not found any conclusive posts showing how. Would the shipping container have to be heated? Do I ship it in water? Or do I ship it in moist paper towels and foam? Would I poke air holes, or would the lungfish be able to breathe pure...
  12. R

    Electric Blue JD with Black Spotted Eel?

    Hello, I am thinking of setting up a 75 gallon tank with an Electric Blue JD and a black spotted eel. I am going with this eel as it is one of the only true freshwater eels I could find. Others needed brackish water. Does anyone have experience with this/ think it will work out?
  13. M

    How to care for my dinosaur bichir?

    So I've had this fish for maybe 6 years (I was ten when I got it) and I've had no clue how to raise this fish. I bought it from Petsmart and they told me to just feed him bloodworms every other day. I'd like to know what a dinosaur bichir needs and all, since I wasn't given any info about it...
  14. S

    Help! Clown Knife not eating!!

    Help! My 13" Clown Knife is not eating the pellets he has been raised on. What should I do? Do I buy another brand of food? I'm at a loss here. He is housed with an Oscar, Parrot, Red Devil, Eclipse Catfish, and a Turquoise Severum.
  15. J

    Buttikoferi Tilapia Rescue HELP

    Hello all! I'm brand new to this forums (and "monster fish keeping" in general), so please forgive me (and correct) any misconceptions I have. This is, in short, a rescue story and a cry for help from more experienced aquarists. Yesterday, my girlfriend and I went a picked up a tank that we got...
  16. Y

    Re-homing 3 Common Plecos. Need bigger homes!

    My mom and I collectively have 3 plecos, I have 2, and she has 1. They will outgrow their tanks and we have no current means of acquiring a big enough tank for them, especially 3. 2 are in a 29 gallon, and 1 is in a 39 gallon tank. These are obviously not adequate tank sizes for these plecos...
  17. C

    New Dovii Owner. Looking for tips!!!

    I just got a dovii about 4-5 inches. It's in a 75 gallon tank right now with an aquaclear 110. I had it for about a week. Kind of shy still and eats about 5-6 pellets per feeding and loves krill. I feed it 2-3 times daily. I plan on doing my first water change by the end of this week and then...
  18. P

    Need help deciding.

    Hello, friends. I am trying to decide between a solo serrasalmus rhombeus or a small group or pygocentrus nattier. Please recommend the better option to me so I can decide on which species. I have a 100 gallon tank with double filtration, and low light levels. Thank you.
  19. B

    40 gallon tank . What fish?

    Got a 40 gallon feeder. Need help finding fish for it. Preferably one fish that's pretty big. I've had a cichlid tank before so I'm not a begginer. I'd prefer to not have substrate like sand or gravel so I don't have to vacuum the bottom. I have family that has had plenty of fish before so I...
  20. O

    Back for another try, need advice

    Its been aong time but im back to have another try, I've kept a Toby puffer in the most recently in the past but donated it to Maidenhead aquatics over 2 years ago. I'm planning to set up a small marine fish only with live rock tank. Hopefully will have the tank tomorrow then I can start the...