
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. F

    For Sale Frontosa Male 5 inches for sale

    Hi, I have a male frontosa that need to be remove. It's 5 inches and priced to sell quick OBO.
  2. F

    For Sale Pink Spotted Jardini 9.5 inches

    Hello Monsterkeepers. I'm downsizing the fish and the Jardini needs a new home. I've raised him from 2 inches to now, which is about 9.5 inches. He's a beautiful specimen and an attitude to match. The color is amazing and very active and aggressive. Asking $200 or if you have some saltwater...
  3. J

    For Sale 15 Kitumba Frontosa (gibberosa) 1.5in

    I was certain I was going to get a 6ft tank for these and bought juvi’s to grow them out. Turns out I was wrong. I’ve had these guys for about 1.5 months. Most are coming up on 2 inches. Very nice genetics. I paid $485. Just want my money out of it, not a profit. Will send you the receipt if...
  4. F

    For Sale Spotted Silver Dollars 4"-5" - five fish group

    Hey MFK, I have five healthy SD for sale. There are two different kinds, three are Metynnis Maculatus and two are Lippincottianus I'd prefer to sell them as a group, $75.00
  5. neko1


    Hey im wondering if its okay to house a adult ctenopoma for life in a 30cm high tank. I was thinking about searching for a better home but now that he is in the tank im starting to rethink it. So most of the day he spent in this little wooden house. Its about 12cm high and he doesnt really fit...
  6. F

    For Sale Jardini Arowana - Orange Spot 15 inch

    Hello Monsterkeepers, sadly I have to remove my well cared for Jardini. I've had him for about two years now raised from 4 inches. Super healthy and only fresh food for diet, worms, mealworms, shrimp, mussels and silversides. I don't believe in processed pellet food. He is quiet aggressive now...
  7. S

    Need help

    So I bought some Cichlids for my tank I have 4 unknown species I'm pretty sure I have an idea on a few of them ones an Albino Socolofi Cichlid ones a Red Zebra Cichlid and then another is blue and the last one looks like a Auratus Cichlid. Basically I want them to breed I really don't know much...
  8. Cichlids keeper

    Show me your older Cichlids!

    I am interested in the affects of aging on Cichlids. If you have a Cichlid that is about about 3/4 through its lifespan please show me. This also includes hybrids and African Cichlids but there is no section for Cichlids in general so I posted it here.
  9. Jacob._.merc

    Paratilapia polleni sickness

    Hey guys, I finally had the opportunity to pick up a paratilapia two days ago. I only payed 8 dollars probably because he has some kind of disease. I don't know what it is. I thought maybe columnarus but he's been alive for a while and I know that it is a quick killer. I'd love to keep this guy...
  10. C

    For Sale Two Venustus giraffe African cichlids...

    Two Venustus about 8" or so. Healthy. Located in Elgin for pickup. Price is for both.
  11. A

    For Sale Moving Sale - Datnoids, Archers, African Cichlids, Tanks, Supplies - 90638 - $70

    La Mirada, CA 90638. I'm moving and selling everything. All fish only eat sinking pellets. Shoot me your offer, you just never know. Text for questions or other details 626484587eight 4 bar symmetrical white base IT and smaller NTT is already accounted for. $400 - 13" Dirty 3 bar IT. It was...
  12. AquaScape

    New African Oddballs Arrivals! 10/14/19

    New arrivals from Africa are here!! -Goliath Tigerfish (Hydrocynus Goliath) 3" $200.oo Ea. 5" $250.oo Ea. -African Tigerfish (Hydrocynus sp. 'Big Eye') 3" $175.oo Ea 5" $225.oo Ea. -African Tigerfish (Hydrocynus vittatus) 5" $225.oo Ea. -Electric Catfish (Malapterurus electricus) 5"-6" $65.oo...
  13. C

    Mixing cichlids!?!?

    Has anyone had success with mixing Central/South American and African cichlids? I know many are purist and only have fish from the same regions and some same exact lakes...BUT if water parameters are ok and feeding is fine has anyone done this successfully?
  14. vinnie coyle

    Male Kenyi African Cichlid Juvenile has killed my entire tank.

    Hey, Have been hovering around the MFK forums now for some time, and want to thank you all, as I have learnt so much... I want to add some details about my first fish tank setup and experience. A bit about my fish keeping story so far... So in Jan this year, I got my self a second hand 260...
  15. S

    Sexing a Jaguar cichlid

    7 3/4 inches as of two weeks ago. I can’t tell the sex by venting, can anyone help????
  16. M

    Do African and South american cichlids can cross breed?

    If the answer is no, please explain why not. Thanks!
  17. AquaScape

    Follow Us!

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know we'll be doing some special promotions only available on our Instagram and Snapchat, along with Holiday deals! Just follow us and wait for some savings! Instagram: Aquascapeonline_ Snapchat: Aquascapeonline
  18. L

    Help with Cichlid Types

    Hey everybody, I'm sure all Cichlid owners have the odd fish they wish they knew the type of! Please post good pictures of known and unknown Cichlid breeds and let's see if we can all help each other out!
  19. The Dave

    An amazing video about the Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)

    The Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher) is probably the easiest cichlid to maintain and breed. In fact, due to their small size ( 3-4 inches / 7.6 - 10 cm ), hardy, adaptable nature, and ease of breeding, this fish is probably the ideal cichlid for anyone that is taking their first steps into...
  20. mattybecks

    Livingstonii or compressips ?

    Hi guys, title pretty much says it. I have a school of 6 livingstonii and 7 compressips. As they get larger I would like to keep either one or the other type and breed them. Both are spawning now. But I think the tank will be to small in the long run for everyone. Who would you choose? I...