
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Ankit Naidu

    Livingstonii or polystigma!?

    I'm confused can you guys please help me!
  2. Ankit Naidu

    Which mbuna is this?

    i got this from my lfs. He said it's a butterfly mbuna but I didn't find anything about them online! Can u guys please help me ID this!
  3. M

    Time to Max Size in Africans (mostly)

    Hello! I was curious if anyone could shed some light on the following... Typical time to reach max size for blue dolphin cichlid? Typical time to reach max size for yellow lab? Typical time to reach full size for red top zebra? Typical time to reach full size for red empress? Typical time...
  4. M

    New fish suggestions?

    We are looking for a new fish or two that is highly colorful. We have an 110 gallon tank with a bunch of caves. We already have a dragon blood peacock, 3 yellow labs, 1 red top zebra, 3 blue dolphin cichlids, a red empress, a Raphael cat, and a bristlenose pleco. We halfway expect the red...
  5. mattybecks

    Stunted Growth

    Hello all I have a 500L 5ft tank currently housing 9 Nimbocromis (2Venustus & 7Livingstonii) and 7 Dimidiochromis compressiceps. How long does it take these guys to reach full size? I ask as I got these guys from a fish store when they were about 8-9cm and some of them had concave hollow...
  6. M

    2 Marineland 350 & 1 C360

    75 Tank remains clear, but re-occuring algae is a pain. All my rock work is covered as well. I use a PF40-UV when I clean the glass, for spore removal. Tank is currently over stocked with Cichlids, 0 ppm NH3/4 & N2; NO3 regularly climbs to 80+ppm. I know the tank size is too small for any of the...
  7. S

    Death wish or happiness?

    I've had a African cichlid (assorted African tank at petsmart) in a 5g all by himself for two years. The cichlid is light blueish/purplish and about 2" long. I wish I knew what I know now before I bought him. Anyways I have a 20g long tank with only a green phantom pleco, he's about 5-6.5" and...
  8. Narwhal

    Where to get African Spiny Eels

    So I was really excited to have a Starry night eel, I was quarantining it, and it was eating, when the quarantine had a nitrate spike and I lost the eel. I have been trying to locate another one or another African species but they are not available though the supplier of my LFS where I found the...
  9. rarbona1029

    Ordering specific Mbuna

    Hello all and Happy Thanksgiving! Just joined the forum to ask a few questions about ordering fish online, something I have never done before. some info. The tank in question is a 55g mbuna tank I aquired, that needs some work in the stocking department. once I remove the few incompatible fish...
  10. SeymourAndHisCat

    Help! Potential Parasite Identification?

    Hello, the other day I noticed a small, white bump on the side of my Golden Severum, with what looked to be a very small thin, nearly transparent worm coming out of the middle a few milimeters. Its so tiny it would be impossible to get a clear picture, but the best way I can describe it is a...
  11. A

    Fish breeders near Detroit area

    Hello all, I'm a returning member of MFK and getting back into the hobby after a little hiatus. I've discovered that some of my go-to breeders are now out of the hobby. Just wondering if anyone can recommend any in the Detroit area / lower Michigan. I'm mostly looking for African cichlids. I...
  12. kody929

    Longnose Distichodus

    Hello everyone I recently got a beautiful 7" Distichodus lussoso for 40$ from a LFS. First day I seen some nipping but nothing much since thankfully. He is currently in a 210g with a diverse variety of fish: bichirs, South American cichlids, lei Arowana, Pleco, catfish etc. I needed some help...
  13. Hendre

    Sigh... 3rd stocking thread (setup help needed)

    Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of mfk After scratching out snakehead and a (primarily silver dollar) tank i have come across african biotopes which i LOVE the look of.:D So for my biotope tank i would like to stock: 2 - Kribensis cichlids 2 - upside down catfish (synodontis nigriti) 6-8 -...