american cichlid

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. TheMoneyTank(TMT)


    Let's see what everyone has In the way of American cichlids I'll start the thread with mine including ornatum cichlids,festivum,gold Severum,green terror,jack dempsey and a few others when I get a good pic
  2. TheMoneyTank(TMT)


    About a week ago I brought a group of ornatum cichlids between 3-4 inches they are surprisingly not as aggressive as I thought and i have a pair who are always together here are some pics
  3. J

    Texas cichlid HELP

    I have 1 male and 1 female texas cichlid alone in a 4 foot tank and the male won't stop trying to kill the female . They are divided at the moment and no matter how long I wait ( they've been divided for months ) he still tries to kill her . The water parameters and temp are all perfect . What...
  4. Tommytipper87

    JD male or female?

    I've had mixed opinions on weather this is a male or female either way am Happy how he or she is growing an looking. Would be great to know what the actual sex is. Thanks will upload pic later as won't let me at this time
  5. F

    Looking for info- Yellow Convict (cryptoheros nanoluteus)

    I've recently stumbled upon a neat little fish online- the yellow convict or cryptoheros nanoluteus, or archocentrus nanoluteus, but I'm having trouble finding adequate info on them or where to find them. The basics that I have found is that they will grow to about 4 inches, are "sensitive" or...
  6. C

    125 gallon cichlid stocking ideas

    Hi all, Just wanted some help with ideas stocking a soon to be 125 gallon tank. I wanted some medium to large American cichlids. Was thinking along the lines of 1 green terror, 1 jack Dempsey, 2 super red Severums and maybe one other fish. ( I would love a parachromis loisellei or...
  7. V


    I baught this one a few weeks ago and was told it was a girl, I think she looks to be a girl but have had a few ppl tell me she looks kind of like a male, she is 25cm+, and is also acting like she has eggs
  8. V

    Firehead vieja sexing

    I been looking for a female vieja and found a guy selling some, his unsure of sexes and I'm waiting on more pics, can anyone help me from just looking at them in this pic
  9. Guenivere

    Large Cichlid with Small Bichir?

    I just got two beautiful approx. 8" vieja regani who are settling into my 135 nicely. They have not touched the juvie congo tetras or juvie rotkeil severum who are with them. Eventually I will end up with one rotkeil (whichever has best colour and personality) and possibly take out the tetras -...
  10. S

    big single breeding pair in 300gal/6.6ft tank, bluegreen, personable predator

    i like them to have nice green/blue coloration, i like inteligent/aware/owner responsive predators, id give them them a big pot to breed in at the end of the tank. I'd build a lot of good hiding places with my ex-marinetank live rock and big pieces of bogwood for the juvaniles to survive in...
  11. Angelphish

    Tiger Barb Tank Mates

    I have a school of eight Tiger barbs in my 200 gallon, 7' x 2' x 2', aquarium. There were a couple more fish I wanted before I would consider it fully stocked. Currently the largest fish in the aquarium is the Blood Parrot, but the Bala's and Pleco will surpass him. I was looking for more...