
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. 2

    Angelfish ID and community setup

    Hello guys. I have recently reworked my 90g tank, and is preparing to introduce new fish this weekend. Currently, the tank is home to 14 lemon tetra, 2 emperor tetra, 4 bristlenose pleco, and 2 Corydoras trilineatus. Here is my stocking plan: 30 lemon tetra 12 Emperor tetra 4 bristlenose pleco...
  2. J

    Need boss fish for angel tank

    Hello, I just bought 5 juvie angels to be the centerpiece for my 55 gal tank and I want a boss fish to keep them in line. I have had angels before, and like them, but I don't like their attitude. I suspect that they mat stress out my other fish, and I just don't like the way they behave. I was...
  3. Fishnthehood

    Adding new fish to my 330 gallon

    So it's been a minute since I've added any new fish to my tank with consists of mostly wild caught Geo's and Severums. I'm currently thinking adding a group of 6 Geo Brasilenis, 4 Red Head Geo's, 3 Aequiden Diadema, 4 Biotodoma Cupido and finally 4 Pterophlyyum Scalare. I do plan to select the...
  4. R

    angelfish doing horizontal circles and gets worse with the light on???

    ok, firstly i want to say hello and thank you for allowing me to join this community. I have had my 55 Gal tank set up for almost a year now and have 7 small angels in there, but recently bought a breeding pair from a guy local to me. I went and picked them up, and while doing so we tested the...
  5. 6

    Altum Identification Help

    Hi All, I am looking for some help identifying what fish i purchased. Is this a true Altum? Thanx in advance.
  6. Brittanirdh

    My trio chilling after breakfast

  7. D

    King Kong Parrot fish is new and very aggressive!

    I bought myself a King Kong Parrot this morning from the local pet shop, it was the biggest amoung a tank of six much smaller parrots (4-5 inches). The tank already consists of one Plecostomus, two Koi and one Angel. My Parrot is very agressive and im not sure what to do. It gets fed blood...
  8. Sizzy905

    Single angelfish with 5 discus

    I currently have 5 juvenile angelfish. My tank is 75 gallon and I also have neons, some live bearers, and danios. I would like to grow the angelfish up and then sell a few and replace them with discus. My questions are •will I be okay putting a singer angelfish with a group of discus? •how...
  9. Angelphish

    Angelfish Breeding

    I caught one of my Angelfish laying eggs today. This wasn't her first time, but it was her first time not eating them. About a minute later I see my Leopard Angel come to fertilize them (I'm going out on a limb and guessing this one is a male), and surprisingly, he didn't eat the eggs either. If...
  10. Angelphish

    Angelfish Breeding

    I caught one of my Angelfish laying eggs today. This wasn't her first time, but it was here first time not eating them. About a minute later I see my Leopard Angel come to fertilize them (I'm going out on a limb and guessing this one is a male), and surprisingly, he didn't eat the eggs either...
  11. Angelphish

    Angelfish question

    I currently have five Angels. I believe them to all be female due to body shape, and I have seen three of them lay eggs. If I were to buy a male, and he mated with a female, would either of the two hurt themselves protecting the eggs? I currently have a 5" blood parrot, and I was looking into...
  12. A

    Finally breeding my gold veil angels!

    I thought I'd document my breeding pair of gold veil angelfish! Just recently set up a 33 gallon natural themed tank for them, recorded them today as being their first day in the tank and I will be recording them as events unfold! Minimum amount of videos I hope to post will be once a week. I...