Hello guys.
I have recently reworked my 90g tank, and is preparing to introduce new fish this weekend. Currently, the tank is home to 14 lemon tetra, 2 emperor tetra, 4 bristlenose pleco, and 2 Corydoras trilineatus.
Here is my stocking plan:
30 lemon tetra
12 Emperor tetra
4 bristlenose pleco...
I just bought 5 juvie angels to be the centerpiece for my 55 gal tank and I want a boss fish to keep them in line. I have had angels before, and like them, but I don't like their attitude. I suspect that they mat stress out my other fish, and I just don't like the way they behave. I was...
So it's been a minute since I've added any new fish to my tank with consists of mostly wild caught Geo's and Severums. I'm currently thinking adding a group of 6 Geo Brasilenis, 4 Red Head Geo's, 3 Aequiden Diadema, 4 Biotodoma Cupido and finally 4 Pterophlyyum Scalare.
I do plan to select the...
ok, firstly i want to say hello and thank you for allowing me to join this community.
I have had my 55 Gal tank set up for almost a year now and have 7 small angels in there, but recently bought a breeding pair from a guy local to me. I went and picked them up, and while doing so we tested the...
I bought myself a King Kong Parrot this morning from the local pet shop, it was the biggest amoung a tank of six much smaller parrots (4-5 inches). The tank already consists of one Plecostomus, two Koi and one Angel. My Parrot is very agressive and im not sure what to do.
It gets fed blood...
I currently have 5 juvenile angelfish. My tank is 75 gallon and I also have neons, some live bearers, and danios. I would like to grow the angelfish up and then sell a few and replace them with discus. My questions are
•will I be okay putting a singer angelfish with a group of discus?
I caught one of my Angelfish laying eggs today. This wasn't her first time, but it was her first time not eating them. About a minute later I see my Leopard Angel come to fertilize them (I'm going out on a limb and guessing this one is a male), and surprisingly, he didn't eat the eggs either. If...
I caught one of my Angelfish laying eggs today. This wasn't her first time, but it was here first time not eating them. About a minute later I see my Leopard Angel come to fertilize them (I'm going out on a limb and guessing this one is a male), and surprisingly, he didn't eat the eggs either...
I currently have five Angels. I believe them to all be female due to body shape, and I have seen three of them lay eggs. If I were to buy a male, and he mated with a female, would either of the two hurt themselves protecting the eggs? I currently have a 5" blood parrot, and I was looking into...
I thought I'd document my breeding pair of gold veil angelfish!
Just recently set up a 33 gallon natural themed tank for them, recorded them today as being their first day in the tank and I will be recording them as events unfold! Minimum amount of videos I hope to post will be once a week. I...