Hi so I bought this fish a week ago assuming it was an RTG/HBRTG Arowana, the shopkeeper told me it was and after crosschecking with google image it looks similar enough. I was gonna pick it up this Saturday but after googling some more I started to doubt myself. Turns out juvenile RTG/HBRTG...
Have an albino arowana for sale as well as some equipment:
- Albino arowana 18-20 inch $500
- Fluval Aquasky Lights 48 inch $100 and 36 inch $75
-Fluval Plant Lights 48 inch $150 and 36 inch $100
- Full CO2 set includes 20lb tank $150
All prices negotiable.
Text me for more info if interested...
What are your unpopular opinions on arowanas, arapaimas, and African butterfly fish? Here's one of mine to kick off the thread:
It's kind of annoying when people in the US beg for Asian aros, especially when we have saratogas. (S. jardinii & S. leichardti)
I'm sure everyone here is familiar with the ancient order of fish Osteoglossiformes by now. That's arowanas, arapaimas, ABF, knifefish, and mormyids. To be more specific, let's break it down to Osteoglossidae, the arowanas. This family includes Osteoglossum (silver and black arowana) and...
Documenting the progress of a fish and observing it's growth over time is one of the most interesting things to do ?
One month & Two weeks Transformation ?
Been out of the hobby for a good 2 years but I’m back now, gonna take things easy this time around and just focus on keeping a single fish. Here’s an old fish I used to own. I sold him two years ago at 13” and he’s now close to 18” or so. Just thought I’d share! ?
I have a Super Highback Gold Aro 7" brought home 7 days ago. 4ft tank with a Sobo FK- 1504 sponge power filter with bio balls. Is it enough for my aro tank filtration? He started eating chicken heart pieces of 0.5inch. Once I'll feed chicken heart and once Hikari Food Sticks. But I'm really...
Today is my Aro's third day. I gave him small pieces of prawns. He took it in his mouth and threw it outside. I tried giving him Hikari pellets too but he did the same then as the prawns. How much time will it take him to eat the food?
I brought my Arowana home yesterday. He was moving in the whole tank but today in the morning I switched on my tank led light and he got scared. After that I switched off the light and now he's swimming only at one side. My right side of 4ft tank has a power filter. Is he afraid of the flow...
I know, I know, I'm sure hundreds of people ask this every day, but I am contemplating building a pond. Most likely coldwater or temperate, but I might consider tropical if I can meet the following requirements.
1. What is the minimum size (LxWxH) for a full-grown arapaima? (Fish will likely...