
  1. R

    Freshly sealed 265 gallon

    Ok just sealed my 265 and day by day i have added water and it is now full. I am planning on waiting a few days before i drain it (a few times) so that all toxins are gone. So now my question is if cycling it in my way will be good enough or should i do this dropping ammonia in it and watching...
  2. K

    BKG white mottled film, help please!

    Hello everyone :) My hubby and I are experiencing something strange with our black ghost knife. He is about 2 and a half years old and is in a tank with 3 clown loaches, 2 angels, 2 red-nose rummies and a zebra danio. Lately he has developed a white, mottled film on his body that doesn't extend...
  3. M

    Help! What medication should I use for my plecos?

    I really have questions that I am hoping you guys can help me with. I am not certain exactly what type of medication I should be using. So let me tell you what I have, and what I do, and hopefully you can help me figure out whether or not to keep doing the same thing or change it up. I keep...
  4. zachsta18

    Vodka, anyone?

    Does anybody here use Vodka in their aquarium? I have used it in the past to help establish new tanks and seen dramatic changes in water clarity and quality. I think it may have also helped get my biological filtration up and off the ground, but I'm not sure. Anybody else have experiences with...