360 gallon (8’x38”x25”)Aquarium w stand and canopy- GLASS $2,000
Wolf fish- black, mala (many avail, several sizes)
Tigrinus- 5-8” $175-$200
Jardini- Giant $200
**SOLD**Odoe pikes- 6”/14”
Red pike- 8”/12” $75
Payara-5”/8”. $125
Bichirs- 4”-20”+ Several of each (laps, endlis, ansorgii...
Thought you guys would appreciate some pictures I took at my LFS! There’s a Weeksii Bichir, a little axolotl with a worm in his mouth, some African cichlids, a BGK, and this eel who buried his head in some gravel with I thought was peak comedy
Hey y’all!
This will be the thread where I post updates about my 90 gallon aquarium! I just obtained the tank a few days ago, and got the entire setup for just $300! The setup includes:
- 90 Gallon tank with lids
- Stand with built in outlets
- Cycled Fluval FX6 Canister Filter
- LED Lights
Hey everyone!
I recently purchased my favorite species of fish, polypterus senegalus, or the Senegal Bichir! He will be the star of my 90-gallon tank I’m setting up, which will be a kingdom for him at first because he is very little! I’ve decided to name the little guy Arsenio, and I am already...
Hello all!
I’m currently in the process of setting up a 90 -gallon freshwater tank, which I plan on stocking with a senegal bichir, a bristlenose pleco, a leopard bush fish, and 5 keyhole cichlids.
I’m wondering what foods would be best for these fish? I assume bloodworms would be a good idea...
Hello all! I am new to MFK, so please excuse me if I post the wrong way or do something in the wrong manner, as I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to using this site. I created an account on here specifically for one single reason, and that is to hopefully find out what is wrong with...
Is it food? Is it worms? Injury? Appeared overnight. Bichir is eating and behaving normally. Water change weekly. Had him a little over a year since baby, he is now 13 inches. See photo attached. P.S. I grow out algae for sides and back of tank so it's not neglected and dirty.
I have been feeding my Senegals variety of things but at the back of my head there is always a fear of not giving them the nutrients they need. I feed them frozen market shrimp and pellets but I realized that there is no specific pellet food for Bichirs. Is it ok to just feed them...
After noticing some injuries under one of my Bichirs belly, decided to get sand substrate and some medicine. Looks good so far. Hope the wound heals tho.
I got 2 Senegals. One of them seems to have a bruise under his belly and I suspect it might be my substrate (will post a pic below of the substrate). How could I change it ? Its a 40B . What type of substrate I should get ? I also got plants. Thanks in Advance !
What is this?
I have had him for 2/3 years, water seems fine. I got sand so he isnt hurting him self on stones or anything.
Is it parasites??
and what can i do?
pls help, thanks in advance
Hi, first time posting here, after some advice on a new tank setup.
It's a brand new 600L tank, 60"L x 24"W x 30"H. Completely empty at the moment.
I'm thinking...
1 or 2 Oscars
1 Jack dempsey
1 Green terror
1 Texas or carpintis cichlid
2 birchirs. Probably armoured bichirs
Some catfish of...
I wanted to feed my Bichirs some frozen shrimp. Thing is on the backside it says that there is a chemical used as a preservative inside it. Would it harm them in any way ? It was the only thing that was in it other than shrimp and water. Google said it was fine but just wanted to make sure.
Hey MFK, I have five healthy SD for sale. There are two different kinds, three are Metynnis Maculatus and two are Lippincottianus
I'd prefer to sell them as a group, $75.00
So I made a post about Albino Senegal Bichirs few days ago. I was looking for tankmates for them in a 40B. Some people reccomended Mollies and African Butterfly Fish but today at the LFS a fish caught my attention. A Leopard Bushfish. Was going to ask about their care and if they could be kept...
First of all, I am new to this forum so hello and nice to meet you. English is not my main language and I am rather young (18) so If I make any mistakes in pronunciations please forgive me.
Senegal Bichirs were my dream fish, decided to get a custom made tank for them that is 40 gallons 2 years...
Hellos everyone, I bought this little guy as a Delhezi from my LFS, and he’s around 2.5 inches I believe. I wanted to put him in my 125 Gallon with jack Dempsey and 2 Oscar’s that are all around 4 inches. But as of now I’m growing the bichir out in my 55 with my EBA cichlid and BN Pleco. But...