
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Deadliestviper7

    Daggertooth conger?

    anyone keep or know anything about them?
  2. Dennis Kraemer

    New Pool Pond!

    Hey I just moved to a new house down in Florida and i love right on the intercostals. I am getting an above ground pool that is 1,800 gallons( I could...
  3. Dennis Kraemer

    New Pool Pond!

    Hey I just moved to a new house down in Florida and i love right on the intercostals. I am getting an above ground pool that is 1,800 gallons( I could...
  4. Deadliestviper7

    Salt tolerance esox

    wandering if anyone knows much about chain pickerel and northern pike in brackish water, I can't find much on this subject except that both are often found in brackish
  5. Deadliestviper7

    Salt tolerance esox

    wandering if anyone knows much about chain pickerel and northern pike in brackish water, I can't find much on this subject except that both are often found in brackish
  6. neko1


    Hello, I would like to start a moray tank. Because of my budget and time the only option is freshwater or brackish. I would like to stay freshwater if that is an option but otherwise brackish would be no problem. I would like to keep Echidna rhodochilus or g. tyle. The leopard freshwatermoray...
  7. Swoll929

    Changing to brackish! Need help!

    As the title implies, i currently have a low tech planted community 135gallon that i want to turn into brackish. I am bored to death of the community tank... time for something else. My original thought was discus, but then i got side tracked on pictus cats and african cichlids, then angels...
  8. P

    Green spotted puffer turning black when eating

    So I have a green spotted puffer in a 55 gallon cycled brackish aquarium feed him a mixture of blood worms mysis shrimp krill snails crabs and market shrimp but every time he eats he looses his colour and turns black then about one hour later he turns back to normal
  9. M

    brackish tank?

    I want a brackish tank with archer fish, i am thinking 1.005 salinity. FISH I DO NOT WANT: Puffers the tank is 99 gallon so what good looking fish can be in brackish water?
  10. M

    Bala/Silver shark in a brackish tank

    Hi, i am thinking about having a brackish tank and i want bala/silver shark, are they able to be in 1.005 salinity? also wondering about odessa barbs and denison barb, yes i know they arent really monster fish but i am planning to keep all of those fish with archerfish and maybe argus fish
  11. M

    Can i keep a jardini in a brackish Paludarium?

    im gonna make a paludarium and when i went to the fish store these archerfish grabbed my attention and i really want them now but they need brackish water, can a jardini arowana live in brackish water?
  12. K

    Sick fish (Hog choker - Trinectes maculatus)

    Hello, I'm new to the forum and am hoping for some advice. (Sorry for the long rambling post and sorry if I couldn't find a relevant earlier post that addresses this . . .) 1 week ago (Thursday, 3/16)) I received 3 hog chokers ("freshwater flounders" or soles). The SG they were shipped in was...
  13. xDestro

    Brackish plants?

    I'm setting up a 20 long, stock will be a f8 puffer and bumblebee gobies, I'm using eco complete as substrate, around an inch deep ( tell me if I need more) I have a finnex 24/7 planted plus and I would love to do a at least slightly planted tank, I love the look of a carpet grass look with...
  14. F

    Gymnothorax tile "fw" moray eel

    So i have purchased a fw moray eel from the lfs, did my research they live in freshwater but do better and thrive in brackish/marine. So I have added salt, made my tank into brackish with other community fish. lfs said they will be fine in my 125g when i add the salt. I did that yesterday...
  15. xDestro

    Corner filter

    Recently saw this vid and loved how to filter basically disappeared. I have a 20 long and want to do the exact same so my main question is could I put some bio balls behind it? That way I could just use some from my other filters and cycle instantly, maybe add a small air stone underneath the...
  16. Narwhal

    What brackish fish can also live in hardwater communities

    I was doing some reading, and saw knight gobies can live in hardwater freshwater tanks, with rainbowfish and tanganikan cichlids, and will even breed in freshwater. Are their any other brackish fish that can live in high ph and gh tanks? (I know the majority wont do well)
  17. S

    GSP water parameters

    I've had my puffers for about a week now. I just moved them into their own 40 gallon tank three days ago. I went to my local petco yesterday and get the saltwater api kits for nitrate and ammonia levels. I couldn't get the others because they were out. Anyways I've checked my levels for the two...
  18. xDestro

    Any idea what this rock is?!??

    I bought this at feeders supply on an impulse buy because I want to use it for my 20 gallon long brackish setup for a puffer and gobies but I didn't think about how rocks affect the water. My tap is neutral ph and fairly soft and puffers and gobies need higher ph and hardness so could I use this?
  19. xDestro

    Brackish setup

    I'm getting a 20 long tank, aragonite sand and crushed coral for my brackish setup, my ph is neutral from tap so how much coral would be nessesary to bring it up around 7.7 8 ish range? Also can I use freshwater test kit or do I need saltwater? Thanks!
  20. xDestro

    How many gobies?

    I want to get a 20 gallon long brackish setup with rock decor and sand and crushed coral for substrate, the whole idea was to get a figure 8 puffer but I want at least a little variety so bumblebee gobys are what I found would be best so how many do you think I could have? I was gonna say at...