
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. A

    Fish breeders near Detroit area

    Hello all, I'm a returning member of MFK and getting back into the hobby after a little hiatus. I've discovered that some of my go-to breeders are now out of the hobby. Just wondering if anyone can recommend any in the Detroit area / lower Michigan. I'm mostly looking for African cichlids. I...
  2. Hendre

    Exodon questionsn stuff

    Good morning mfk. This weekend I am getting my first large tank (250litres) to start setting it up and will be getting the fish in 2 weeks I am going to build a DIY canister like the one by @UaruJoey on YouTube with a 1200-1500 lph pump The dimensions are 120x45x45 roughly First. So how many...
  3. Z

    Red texas fertility

    Hi has anyone had any luck with their rt males being fertile as mine has paired with female Midas but previously had no luck with convict female so do I just give up ?
  4. Hendre

    How many Guppy's needed to feed preds?

    Good morning mfk. In the future I am getting a 250 L tank in which I want to keep 3 African bushfish, 2 African butterfly fish and 5/6 upside down synodontis. I would like to breed Guppy's to feed as a treat to the bush and butterfly fish once a week. (Maybe 2 a fish) The question is how adult...
  5. Angelphish

    Angelfish Breeding

    I caught one of my Angelfish laying eggs today. This wasn't her first time, but it was her first time not eating them. About a minute later I see my Leopard Angel come to fertilize them (I'm going out on a limb and guessing this one is a male), and surprisingly, he didn't eat the eggs either. If...
  6. Angelphish

    Angelfish Breeding

    I caught one of my Angelfish laying eggs today. This wasn't her first time, but it was here first time not eating them. About a minute later I see my Leopard Angel come to fertilize them (I'm going out on a limb and guessing this one is a male), and surprisingly, he didn't eat the eggs either...
  7. Angelphish

    Angelfish question

    I currently have five Angels. I believe them to all be female due to body shape, and I have seen three of them lay eggs. If I were to buy a male, and he mated with a female, would either of the two hurt themselves protecting the eggs? I currently have a 5" blood parrot, and I was looking into...
  8. weston

    Breeding flowerhorn

    Hi so my idea is this, if I were to get some of the not so desirable looking flowerhorn that come from every batch "still coming from good breeding lines" could they produce fry with show quality features such as large koks, bright patterns, and short face/body's like the grandparents? My pair...
  9. spcichlids

    400g Growout System Build

    As I ramped up my breeding (african cichlids) I realized I wanted a system with large water volume to grow the fish out faster. I read a lot about aquaculture and used some of those principles in the design. After a couple of months of work it's finally done. I've been documenting the process...
  10. Lil g

    Could it be true.. Baby's?

    I've had a male and female jack dempsey in a tank together and all of a sudden they are acting real weird.... I Think they are laying eggs! My female keeps going around the tank, stopping for a little bit and then moves somewhere else.. And then my male comes where she just was and hovers.. He...
  11. moray eel man

    moray eel breeding

    Does anyone know how to sex a moray eel or if anyone has bread them in captivity?
  12. 5Spot Junkie

    Zeus unleashed!

    Zeus is my hybrid Hemichromis (Fasciatus x Frempongi). Separated him from my female around a month ago in hopes of pairing my female up with a WC Hemichromis Fasciatus from the 2nd batch I got. Zeus has been in my 180g separated from the rest of the community to ensure he doesn't kill all my...
  13. J

    Compatible Bottom Feeders

    Hello, I am looking for some advice on compatible bottom feeders. I have a breeding pair of Jaguar Cichlids and was wondering if there are any really good bottom feeders they would be compatible with, or will my Jags just eat whatever I put in there? Thank-You
  14. Deedsta

    Trying to make a future breeding pair of silver arowanas

    I've been on this website I think 2 years ago and pissed of some people for abandoning the post and leaving them hanging. Which I am sorry for if you guys remember me at all. I had 1 arowana about 9 inches couple months back and I bought 4 more from different people. There all almost the same...
  15. Bad Wolf

    Fish Never Spawned in Captivity

    Hello All. I am looking for a list of freshwater fish that have yet to spawn in captivity. I've searched online and cant seem to find a list. Can anyone point me in the right direction or know of any species? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  16. C

    Rose queen X carpintis anyone????

    Has any one had a nice batch from these specific fish I tossed the female with male laid same day (yesterday) I will post in a few On my way To them now what's the outcome nice red Texas or blah? lol!
  17. J

    Piranha Breeding

    I have two videos of my piranha breeding one they are spawning in the gravel as you will see in the video and the other is a video i just took. had a filtration problem so had to put my colonies together in the same tank hoping they kick start breeding again. I have a feeding frenzy of people...
  18. EBJDLuke

    EBJD Breeding Project

    Got two EBJD from the LFS in June and have been growing them out in a 30 gallon. I've known I wanted to breed these guys as soon as I got them home. After having to sell the smaller one back to the LFS yesterday for close to nothing I now am ready to start seriously thinking about the breeding...
  19. B

    Sexing Mini Marble stingrays

    I've recently purchased a (stunning) mini marble. Out of curiosity does anybody know how to sex these?
  20. G

    breeding flowerhorn

    i have a pair of golden boy malua...male is 5 inch plus and female is 4 inch. she is going to lay eggs soon the problem is when i put the male with the female the male will chase the female...but after a while the female will comeback to him. so should i seperate them with a divider until her...