
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. K

    FREE Bichirs, catfish, eels, plecos for rehome super cheap

    Letting these guys go for little (taking trades as well, even pond/large tank equipment). or 300 flat for the whole lot. Extremely cheap but first come first serve. 3 endel bichir - 14" , 11", 8-9" 1 delhezi bichir - 12" 1 senegal bichir 9" 1 black senegal bichir - 7" 1 albino senegal 6-7" 1...
  2. J

    anyone ever see this

    First let me say I do understand that this is a site for fish in tanks and this is not my situation, however I have read through the forum and everyone seems super knowledgeable about all kinds of fish and fish issues and I’ve had no luck getting answers anywhere else so I’m hoping some here...
  3. P

    220 Aquarium Setup

    Hey everybody. I recently got a 220 (6x2x2.5), resealed it, water tested, and drilled my holes for the plumbing to a 40 gallon sump. The tentative plan is for 2 adult oscars, potentially a small adult spotted gar, and a then a few uaru and severum. This seems to be a near full stocking list. Are...
  4. fishtankphil

    For Sale 32"+ Goonch catfish for sale

    Up for sale is my 32" goonch catfish. I've had it since 2020 at 17". I need to make some chnages in my life and unfortunately my fish cant go with me. I'm asking $2k. Ty for looking! I rather local pickup. This guy is in south fl near ftlauderdale.
  5. i Aqua

    ID Plz

    ID PLZ
  6. A

    For Sale Pleco L144 LF blue eye breeding pair

    Plecos L144 LF blue eye young pair for sale Have several pairs available Text me your zip code for shipping cost
  7. A

    Pleco L144 LF blue eye young pairs for sale

    Post for sale threads in the Marketplace
  8. L

    piraiba catfish

    Sales threads go in the Marketplace
  9. shern

    For Sale sailfin pim (leiarius pictus)

    selling my nice sailfin pim cause hes a fatty, also a repost cause i realized i measured wrong the first time. he’s actually really big 10-11 inches long - $450 picture here cause mfk won’t let me upload...
  10. P

    For Sale 10 inch Paroon Sharks

    Gorgeous high fin Paroon sharks. Around 10 inches currently with nice streamers. 3 available. 200 each or 500 for all 3.
  11. K

    For Sale corydora catfish for sale

    i have a good number of green corydora catfish babies for sale i don't have the tank room for them all as adults so trying to find them homes I don't have a way to ship them myself so would be limited to Las Vegas or if someone wants to drive up here to get them was thinking 5$ each They are all...
  12. M

    For Sale Phantom redtail

    Quitting the hobby Selling my 3 foot phantom 1000 or best offer Must go to good home
  13. D

    Catfish Identification

    This is a picture from a dealer in China. And it is a little bit like Phalacronotus apogon in its body shape, but its body color remain pied. Is there anyone who have kept this kinda fish in captivity or have known it? Really wanna figure out what kinda fish species it is!
  14. B

    FREE 22-24" achara catfish free to anyone with a 300g+

    Free achara catfish to anyone near Tennessee who wants it and can provide a good home. He is blind. Does not have eyes but does fine getting around.
  15. TheFishDealer

    For Sale Albino Catfish Rare?

    Seen some posts of albino and morphed catfish going around, Was curious if there was any interest in mine? Not to sure what ive got here as well maybe Amblydoras nauticus? Any ideas are greatly appreciated. 11-12 normal color 1 albino Was told all collected together and would like to keep them...
  16. J

    HELP!! sick Red tail catfish

    hi so i have these two RTC’s in a 1800 gallon pond with some gar oscar and irredecent’s and i just recently noticed red abrasion marks on both my rtcs none of the other fish seem to be bothered but the rtc’s are seeming more lethargic than usual water parameters are good the bottle just looks a...
  17. shern

    out of country shipping

    Greetings all, recently I've been on the hunt for a small high quality leiarius pictus but have come to no luck. the few that i do fond are either way too big or come from wholesalers who won't ship to an individual buyer. so i turned to out of country shipping, specifically japan, I found a...
  18. 2

    For Sale Monster catfish

    34” firewood catfish , 18”marble achara catfish $500 for both. Must own a 500g + pool/pond. Open for trades. Must pick up. 95334 serious buyers only.
  19. A

    For Sale Fish for sale

    3 Oscar’s all between 5-7 inches 1-lemon Oscar $65 1-Ruby red Oscar $50 1-albino tiger $50 Don’t know sexes of any fish 1-mono peacock bass about 8-9 inches $175 1-redtail catfish about 10 inches $100 located in Colonia nj Text me at 201-620-1643 thanks
  20. mybirthdateisfake

    Catfish for 400 gal?

    I'm planning to add a catfish to my 400 gal pond, but what catfish should it be? Current stocking: - 10-11in Green Terror - 12in Jaguar cichlid - 10in Oscar - 2 Tinfoil barbs