
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. SwellyJelly

    For Sale Moving Sale 720G, 240G, Stingrays, Datnoids, Oscars and Catfish

    Have a moving coming up next year and trying to start parting with some of my tanks and fish before then. Open to offers and can get more pics upon request. Unable to ship any fish so only doing pickups. Aquariums and other parts are open for shipping but at the buyers expense. I have a 720...
  2. T

    FREE Marble Achara Catfish free to good home

    Somewhere around 27", currently housed in 400 gal pond. Free to anyone with a tank/pond big enough.
  3. Egemen

    Fish updates !

    The polys growth has slowed down. They are healthy and active tho. The Spotted Raphael is a new member and never missed a feeding. Also found bunch of ropefish at the LFS for 10 dollars each. Sadly dont think my tank is big or understocked enough to support one or two... After the recent sad...
  4. TheFishDealer

    For Sale Tigrinus and Firewood Catfish

    Tigrinus 5" $250 Fire wood 3-4" $175 Shipping $55
  5. C

    For Sale Multiple fish for sale

    5 synodontis eupterus 3-4” - $15each, $60 for all 5 1 synodontis ocellifer 4-5”- $20 1 female F1 Kamfa 6”- $150 (egg laying) pictures do not do her justice, fully red when fired up 1 male king king kamfa 4”- $75 1 male goldenbase, 10”+ - $75, got beat up my a larger fish but is almost fully...
  6. TheFishDealer

    For Sale Plecos for sale.. Luteus, Dracula, Megalancistrus barrae

    Multiple Plecos im looking to sell - Phase 2 Luteus Pleco 10-12" $550 - Dracula 4" $70 - Megalancistrus barrae 12-14" $450 - Thresher 10" $99 - L050 Humpback 6" $75 UPS Shipping or Southwest cargo $50-$75 freight cost estimate
  7. SirCatfish

    For Sale 12-14” Ornate Poly.

    Looking to sell my ornate poly. Had since 4”. Eats shrimp, tilapia, smelt, earthworms. Looking for pickup asap. Located in Bay Ridge Brooklyn. Pics available. Negotiable
  8. B

    Advice on new cichlid tank setup

    Hi, first time posting here, after some advice on a new tank setup. It's a brand new 600L tank, 60"L x 24"W x 30"H. Completely empty at the moment. I'm thinking... 1 or 2 Oscars 1 Jack dempsey 1 Green terror 1 Texas or carpintis cichlid 2 birchirs. Probably armoured bichirs Some catfish of...
  9. F

    For Sale Spotted Silver Dollars 4"-5" - five fish group

    Hey MFK, I have five healthy SD for sale. There are two different kinds, three are Metynnis Maculatus and two are Lippincottianus I'd prefer to sell them as a group, $75.00
  10. F

    For Sale Asian River Prawn - 4 inches

    Hi Fishkeepers, it's time to let my prawn go to a more suitable environment. I've had this prawn about 2 years raised from 2 inches. It needs to be housed with more aggressive fish, cichlids or larger tank mates. He is predatory in my tank and is chasing the other fishes around. (i.e. clown...
  11. H

    For Sale IT datnoid 4-4.5” Shortbody Iredescent Shark 6-7” Asian shovelnose catfish 5” L24 pleco 3.5” Lilburn 30047

    IT datnoid 4-4.5” Short body Iridescent Shark 6-7” Asian shovelnose catfish 5” L24 pleco 3.5” Lilburn 30047 Georgia
  12. T

    Want to Buy Looking for LARGE ARAPAIMA

    The bigger the better looking for anything 2ft and above Please message me if you have or know of anyone looking to sell or rehome
  13. xenacanth9


    Hi, does anyone here have experience with any Ariopsis species other than Ariopsis seemanni, the Colombian shark? This includes: Ariopsis assimilis Ariopsis guatemalensis Ariopsis felis
  14. T

    Want to Buy Lima Shovelnose Catfish

    Anyone in the Hudson Valley or NYC area have a Lima shovelnose cat they'd like to sell me?
  15. T

    For Sale Legal FLY RIVER TURTLE

  16. Kingrancher2011

    For Sale 30” Wallago leeri

    Looking to do something different in my pond very healthy wallago eating pellets pickup or meet. Asking $150
  17. T

    Want to Buy Looking for Large Fish

    Looking for Larger Fish for a 8,000 gallon plus Willing to meet or I am able to pickup at airport
  18. neko1

    Help with setting up a tank.

    So i got 6 tanks right now and I need to move out my parents house..... Bassicly i need to rehome a lot of fish. But if its possible i would like to keep most. :) I have had most animals for more then 6 years or even longer. So what i have right now: -polypterus ornitapinus. (1x) -polypterus...
  19. F

    For Sale L155 Adonis Pleco 7 inch

    Hello Monsterkeepers, time to let my Adonis go. He's bullying the other plecos now. He's beautiful and healthy specimen. Only way to picture was to catch him out of the tank. Note pickup only, in Lake Forest, Ca
  20. B

    Tank mates for silver arowana

    I've got a 4foot by 3foot tank with a silver arowana about 10 inch maybe a little more and a black ghost knife fish about 11inch and a common pleco I'd like some fish to stir up my sand substrate alittle more but obviously can't add Corydora as my arowana will eat them any ideas appreciated its...