Hi all first post here. Attached is an image I took of my pair of parachromis spp.
The female is above the male in the picture (she is around 4-5 inches currently and he is probably 10-11 inch)
I bought them separately and they have not spawned as of yet, however spend all of their time...
I specialty breed Krobia Xinguensis aka Krobia Red Cheek. They are peaceful South American dwarf cichlids that do well in a planted community tank as long as they have ample hiding spots at the substrate level. This species is difficult to determine sex, even as adults (generally go by size and...
Hey guys, I have a 150 gallon aquarium that up until now I haven’t had aggression issues, in the tank is
1x arowana (6 inches)
1xsalvini (3 inches)
1xfiremouth (3.5 inches)
1xpeacock bass (3 inches)
1x geophaus sveni (was sold as a sveni but may be a threadfin acara)
1x bichir (3 inches)
Here is my Trimac Cichlid "Big Mack". He is a complete menace of a fish.
I just put him and his lady friend in a 180 gal tank. They had fry within 4 days of meeting each other. Im growing out as many fish as I can from that bunch. Hope...
Hi, I need to find a larger home for my Widebar and some tank mates to school with. He's 10 inches and beautiful colors.
I also have two small Red Head Tapajos about 3 inches, will include them for free!
Asking $80. Accepting reasonable offer if you are serious and pick up soon.
Text me for...
Red devil, 10 inches, $59
Red Dovii Pair, $199
Blue dovii, male , 10 inches
Jaguar cichlid, pair, 11, 7 inches. $199
Trimac, male, 10 inches, $89
It was sold to me as a firemouth, I've always thought it was a Jack Dempsey. It has beautiful red eyes but I haven't been able to confirm its species. Concerned for tank mates and future issues.
Hello Monsterkeepers. I'm downsizing the fish and the Jardini needs a new home. I've raised him from 2 inches to now, which is about 9.5 inches. He's a beautiful specimen and an attitude to match. The color is amazing and very active and aggressive.
Asking $200 or if you have some saltwater...
Hello all! I am new to the forums and looking for insights and ideas.
Little background: I have had aquariums my whole life, all around the 55 - 100 gallon sizes. Had big catfish before, but mostly deal in the cichlid arena. Currently I only have one 100-gallon tank with haps and peacocks. They...
Hey everyone,
I've got a tank with stand and pond that I am no longer using.
The 240gal is 8x2x2. The stand is in good condition. The tank has 2 repairs on it, one of the top and one on the bottom. Both have been repaired and bonded, zero issue with leaks from the repairs, the tanks was up...