
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. T

    First time acrylic with sump setup questions

    Now that the wife and I are back to work we decided to get another large tank but after a near disaster years ago with a glass we looked for acrylic this go-round. Found a 182g acrylic with oak stand and 40g sump with pump for 500 and jumped on it. I don't know how old it is but it doesn't leak...
  2. A

    For Sale Vieja bifasciatus fry 'Rio Chacamax'

    0.5" Fry available, $4 (minimum buy of 5) Both parents are beautifully colored and came from Cichlids of the Americas Shipping possible or pickup in Queens NY
  3. J

    For Sale Blue convicts cichlids, Amatlitania

    Hello every one, I have for sale some central american cichlids. They are 2.5 to 3 inches. They are very active and healthy. They show blue, yellow and red colors.
  4. AquaScape

    Check out some of these newer fish we still have available!

    4"-5" Blue Hook Silver Dollars - $45.oo Ea. 10" Black Devil Wyckii Catfish - $250.oo Ea. 10" Black Wolffish- $250.oo Ea. 5"-6" Jardini Arowana- $160.oo Ea. 3" Snowball Plecos- $25.oo Ea. 2" Clown Plecos- $15.oo Ea. 2" Spotted Rubbernose Plecos - $10.oo Ea. 2" Jaguar Cichlids- $5.oo Ea. Or...
  5. R

    For Sale 6" Green Texas

    6" Green Texas for sale. $60
  6. R

    For Sale Viejas

    5" Viejas for sale. Healthy growing. $30
  7. mattybecks

    Larvophile mouthbrooders in action

    Hello chaps and chapettes My Geophagus Tapajos have yet another batch of fry, thought I would try and get some close ups of their larvophile mouthbrooding behavior. My colony of 7 geos is about 2.5 years old now. The largest is just shy of 17cm, and the smallest just over 12cm.
  8. karpomatic

    DIY Polycarbonate Sump

    I'm going to take a crack at building my own sump for my 125 mostly South American 125 gallon aquarium. I have been using the one in the photo for 3 years now and it's okay but it was originally designed for saltwater and I'm hoping I can do better. The planned dimensions are 48" x 15" x 15"...
  9. AquaScape

    Update and 05/13/20 stock-list!

    First and foremost we hope everyone is doing okay amongst the pandemic and staying safe as well as family and friends. I apologize for any recent latency in regards to customer contact as we have been dealing with the pandemic as well and making sure our families are safe too as we do have...
  10. S

    Please help me with Peacock Cichlid sexing... and other things

    Hey everyone, I had posted this question before and there's another whole thread of me talking to people about this issue. I am posting this again as an "update" while in reality I still really need help and potentially some expert advice. I have also asked this same question to another forum...
  11. Cichlids keeper

    Anyone have any hybrid projects going on?

    Does anyone have any hybrid projects that they are working on, that aren't the typical hybrids(Flowerhorns, Red Texas, Blood parrots)?
  12. redlegsmlb

    Want to Buy ISO Geophagus Group

    I need a group of Geos for my 300. Having a hard time finding a decent group. Willing to drive around the mid Atlantic to find some.
  13. Cichlids keeper

    Should you groom CA/SA Cichlids?

    Should I groom a CA/SA Cichlid like how I would groom a flowerhorn. I am just wondering if it would be beneficial to it.
  14. fugupuff

    Vendor 03-20 Rare Fish price list

    Bottom dwellers Hypostomus luteus c.b. babies 2"-2.25" - first time in a long time. These were bred in a group of 10, with various parents of phase 2 and 3. Videos will be posted on instagram of them eating, they have full bellies. Someone bought the entire group from the breeder and I was...
  15. M

    For Sale Female Shortbody Flowerhorn and Female Green Terror

    Female Flowerhorn $50 (Confirmed Fertile) Pics of Eggs in first picture Female Green Terror $20 Open to Trades or Other Offers Message at (626)991-8070
  16. Black Tuna

    For Sale Red Terror - Blue Texas - Red Tiger Mota fry

    Red Terrors F2 Rio Esmereldas fry 1" $9ea, get 10 I throw in an extra Blue Texas "Escondido" H. Carpintis .75"+ $8ea Red Tiger Motas 1-1.5" $12ea Deal on bigger purchases. Pickup in my area or shipping available within the US. PM me contact info if interested or email me
  17. Jacob._.merc

    Zilla in aquarium

    Does anyone know if it is safe to put a zilla vertical decor into an aquarium? Just realised it is made of a hard foam and it is too late to cancel the order. It did not say the material it was made of on Amazon. Thoughts? Will the foam deteriorate or harm the fish?
  18. spencer0t

    Outdoor pond breeding

    I want to breed a cichlid pair in my outdoor pond 300 gallon but not sure what cichlid to breed drop suggestions that would work
  19. S

    Exotic Freshwater South Florida

    Where do you find exotic freshwater fish specifically cichlids in South Florida waterways? I am looking to catch them.
  20. Blakewater

    For Sale Pbass, Festae, Bichirs, Catfish, Rares 94928

    Updating and changing my list of fish and items for sale. All fish are healthy, parasite/infection free and have been weaned off of live food/onto floating pellets. Fish are for pickup or meetup within 25 miles for an extra ten dollars. If you really want something I can try shipping it but I...