convict chiclids

  1. J

    Convict cichlids

    Can anyone show me what a convict cichlid looks like as a juvenile and an adult? My local pet store labeled them as convicts but mine dont look anything like the research ive done.
  2. B

    Scape and Plant-friendly Big Fish!

    Greetings everyone! I have been watching this great community for a couple of years now, but as I was more of a planted/scaped tank person, I never joined to talk big fish! This is my first post, so please allow me a bit of TL/DR preamble to the question. Last August, 6 monts ago, I completely...
  3. S

    OB peacock or Calico convict? Need ID please

    Hi, I just started keeping Ciclids, I have only peacocks for the moment. Today I went to my local store and he had these beautiful fish for sale, they were only labeled as African cichlids. He only knows that the lady that dropped them off said they were peacocks. They look nothing like my...
  4. kdogg420

    Pink con x Rd flowerhorn

    I'm gunna divide my tank so my male pink con and my female red dragon can be separate from the other fish but this is in the hopes of getting some pretty looking fish :) wish me luck will post updates as they come!
  5. Lil g

    Convict fry.

    My Convicts have left me a surprise in there cave today.. I don't know the first thing about caring for fry... I've been trying to get my jack dempseys to breed for a year now and nothing.. Then my Convicts decided they were going to lay.. Anyways I have a pearlscale cichlid, a green terror and...
  6. T

    Flowerhorn cichlid and black convict fry

    Hey guys I'm a newbie and this is my first batch of fry. I don't know how it happened but my flower horn and black convict reproduced and I don't really know how to take care of them. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. I found them this morning and was shocked I managed to separate most...
  7. Nativefishkeeper904

    What should I do with my convict fry once they hatch?

    A pair of my convict cichlids just recently laid some eggs in my aquarium... What should I do with the fry when they hatch? I definitely can't keep them all. Any ideas or advice? Thanks :)
  8. Nativefishkeeper904

    How many South American cichlids can I keep in a 55 gallon aquarium?

    I bought a 55 gallon aquarium with my Christmas money recently and I cycled it with the most hardy fish my pet store had. Convict cichlids. Just watching their personalities come out was just amazing and I grew attached. I have 2 males and 2 females in the 55 at the moment. They are not breeding...
  9. Rishab

    Can I add an arowana with my 2.5" cichlids and 3' giant gourami ?

    Already in the tank: 2 firemouths, 2 green terrors 1 convict. And a pleco 2 tiger sharks and a 2" GG, 3.5' GG.
  10. P


    COVICT CICHLID NO LONGER A BULLY, NOW TIMID I have 8 cichlids in a 125 gallon tank (see signature). All the fish are pretty small as I've only had the tank a couple months. My convict cichlid was the first (and only) fish so far to be aggression to the other fish. He even nipped at the...
  11. P

    6 Questions from Newbie; Please Help!

    1. ARE WATER CHANGES NEEDED EVEN WITH GREAT TEST RESULTS? I'm running a Fluval FX6 on a 125 gallon tank with a total of 8 small cichlids in it (see signature). I have had the tank setup with fish for about 2 months and my water tests are all coming back pretty good. My most recent water test...
  12. Soco

    Convict Cichlids Fighting After Unsuccessful Spawn

    Hey everyone Sorry I am a noob with cichlids and I have a few questions about breeding and such. I have 2 Convict cichlids, in the middle of last week they laid their first batch of eggs and the fry hatched last week thursday but unfortunately something went wrong and the fry lasted for a few...