cuban cichlid

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. M

    Cuban Biotope

    I am pivoting in the hobby and moving into a more biotope-style aquarium for my fish. I have been researching the areas in Cuba where the Cuban Cichlid can be found. I am leaning towards the Yayabo River in Sancti Spiritus, Cuba. It is a beautiful area, at least from the pictures I have seen. I...
  2. L

    150 gallon "cichlid" tank

    I purchased 1 ea juvenile synspilum, bleekeri, Frontosa, Gold severum and Cuban cichlid to grow together and hopefully keep together in a 150g. Immediately the Cuban was very aggressive and bullying. It targeted the bleekeri and I eventually removed Cuban and put into established tank with...
  3. BlueJacks

    Epistylis Cuban Cichlid

    Long sorry short I have a 125 freshly set up no fish ever kept in it. Purchased from a company online a pair of Cuban cichlids 4” in size. Upon arrival, one bag severely leaking the other good. The male has been pooping long white stringy poo and the female has what I thought was ich but...
  4. Tunaslayer

    Want to Buy Female cuban cichlids or female thai silk

    Located in Southern California, looking to find female cubans or female thai silks if you have related stock please let me know thank you.
  5. BlueJacks

    Want to Buy Female Cuban Cichlids

    Looking for female Cubans. Located in Mass will pay for shipping.
  6. BlueJacks

    Cuban cichlid breeding

    Just looking for anyone who’s has had experience breeding these guys. Is the male usually very aggressive towards the female? Is it best to have a diffuser to divide them and let them adjust to one another?
  7. BlueJacks

    Another male Cuban?

    Trying to figure this one out. Any opinions are welcome.
  8. AquaScape

    4/5/22 Stocklist!! (908)634-0820 OR

    Goonch Catfish 2 inch- $65 Aimara Wolf 6 inch - $500 Piraya Piranha- 2.5-3 in -- $100, 3.5-4 in-- $125, 4.5- 5 in -- $200 Boesemani Hybrid Ray 5 inch- $400 Vittatus Tigerfish 4.5-5 inch- $200 Grade A Flowerhorns 4 inch- $125 Common Wolf 5 inch- $85 Cuban cichlids (Mixed size 2-4 inch) - $50...
  9. BlueJacks

    Cuban cichlid sex?

    Trying to figure this one out, my jag sex unknown no Cuban sex unknown appear to be getting cozy in the pot. Any help would be nice.
  10. S

    Can someone help sex my Cuban Cichlid

    I was wondering if anyone could help me sex my Cuban Cichlid. It is about 2.5 inches.
  11. O

    For Sale Cuban cichlid pair

    4-5 black Cuban cichlid pairs. egg layer female Healthy male 4-5” Cuban cichlids.. Easy breeding experience that can make $ back
  12. C

    Cuban Cichlid Sex?

    Got one from imperial tropicals in July and don’t know the sex. If someone could help me out.
  13. Edward345

    Is a 75g enough for breeding Cubans?

    Is a 75 gallon aquarium 48x18x21 good enough for a pair of Cuban for breeding?
  14. AquaScape

    Check out some of these newer fish we still have available!

    4"-5" Blue Hook Silver Dollars - $45.oo Ea. 10" Black Devil Wyckii Catfish - $250.oo Ea. 10" Black Wolffish- $250.oo Ea. 5"-6" Jardini Arowana- $160.oo Ea. 3" Snowball Plecos- $25.oo Ea. 2" Clown Plecos- $15.oo Ea. 2" Spotted Rubbernose Plecos - $10.oo Ea. 2" Jaguar Cichlids- $5.oo Ea. Or...
  15. stiker

    Nandopsis Tetracanthus with first batch of fry

  16. stiker

    Nandopsis Tetracanthus Pair

    Short video of my Nandopsis Tetracanthus Pair, that paired off from a group of 10 growouts. The male is around 4.5 inches and female around 3. They are currently in a 180g tank with a sump accompanied by 5 Melanotaenia I used for dither fish while they were young. Please excuse how short the...
  17. M

    red wolf fish and cuban cichlid

    sorry if I posted this in the wrong spot, just made acount. Does anyone know if a red wold and cuban cichlid could be housed in a 60 gallon tank? 48x12x24
  18. F

    Cuban cichlids..any info will help

    Hey guys, i have 6 new Cuban Cichlids, about 2 1/2-3” got them from Repps. Can anyone give me any information on them. I have some information but i wanna heat everyone’s input. Growth rate, foods ex..
  19. B

    Jaguar x Cuban cichlid hybrid female

    Just thought id shoe my female jag x cuban hybrid. Havnt seen any more out there on the internet. She has paired up with a blue flowerhorn i have but i fear he may sterile. The photos arent the best but you can see her pretty well.
  20. S

    Cuban cichlid x vieja hartwegi

    Hi, i just want to know is it possible for these two to cross breed? Because i have a male cuban cichlid and female hartwegi in the same tank. Now these two started showing a sign that they start pairing. Does anyone ever cross breed these fish before? Any pics to share? Thanks.