cuban cichlid

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Cuban cichlid growth rate ?

    What Is the normal growth rate of a cuban cichlid about 2 weeks ago I purchased a small Cuban cichlid 1.5 inches long it is now 2 inches. It is nowhere near the top of the tank in dominance and was at the bottom when first introduced but has since outgrown my vieja argentea,salvini and is...
  2. F

    Cuban cichlid maturity/breeding

    Hi MFK, I have a 20cm (8 inches for the Americans) female Cuban who I intend to try and breed. I also have 4 smaller Cubans that are approx 5-6 months old (I think), the largest of which is 10cm and I am positive is male. How long/what size should I grow him to before I attempt to try mixing...
  3. B

    Tank stocking

    So my question is if have 1 125 gallon W/ common wolf fish 6 inch Endelzi bichir 6 inch Cuban cichlid 10 inch Jaguar cichlid 8 inch The Cuban and jaguar are a mateing pair I also have a 150 gallon W/red wolf 6 inch Fire eel Black diamond cichlid 4 inch...