
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. L

    Baby Gar swim bladder disease? HELP

    Just found my 4" Florida Gar floating on top of the tank. Looks like a swim bladder problem since it can't swim down at all. Just did a 30% water change. Tank is at 80F. What do I do? He looks so lifeless. I don't want to lose the lil guy.
  2. P

    Spotted Garfish skin disease

    Anybody know what is happening to my gar? Can someone tell me the name of the disease?
  3. T

    Growths on Arowana?

    Hoping someone can help me out here. My asian aro has developed these growths towards his tail. I thought it might be fungal growth but its not white like ich would appear, its the same greyish colour as his scales. Any advise on what it could be/how to treat?
  4. Justepic

    Disease on my plants

    Recently dealt with black tuft algae and wiped that out ; but now I have some brown stuff on my s repens and their leaves are dying. Help!
  5. A

    What is on my blue German ram?

    My blue German rams has spots on his head that almost looks like white works coming out. The spots don't move and do not has the cotton look that most fungus do. He was moved yesterday to the quarantine tank and I added tetra all in one treatment. Today I added the second dose but I can't...
  6. K

    Red severum white areas of tissue damage

    Hello all. My red severum (full adult - about 8-10 inches) is very sluggish, sitting on the bottom and gasping. It has these white areas behind the eye. Other fishes seem ok. It is a blood parrot/severum tank. I think this fish is probably gone, but I would liek to know what this is. Is it a...
  7. Jacob._.merc

    What's wrong with my Jade goby?

    My goby has these strange bumps in his mouth and 3 on his side. The 4 in his mouth look like pimples of some sort and the ones on his side look like a bunch of bumps in a large pile. There are 3 of these. He lives with a Raphael cat, a synodontis ocellifer and a goldiela eques. Any ideas? I...
  8. B

    What is wrong with my black moore

    I woke up this morning to the fish being fine and a couple hours later, this had happened to it’s eye. What should I do? The other fish keep trying to eat it
  9. Jacob._.merc

    Fish diseases

    I have a 7 or 8 inch sleeper goby (freshwater) and he seems as healthy as can be! He swims around normal, eats, recognizes me and you know the rest. But i have been noticing he has some things on him. One being these white stringy things and kind of a red bump on his lips. He also has a couple...
  10. B

    Help, sick green terror

    Noticing some fading on him, his orange tips are now white at the ends??? He seems very interested in food but spits it all back out after eating. He has long white stringy poop. And somewhat normal behaviors, been treating with melafix api, no help, any ideas!?!?
  11. C

    Flowerhorn Potential Fungus?? Please Help!

    Hi! I have a flowerhorn that is about 1 or 1 1/2 years of age. It started having white spots for less than a month now. The white spots started off small and slowly grew to what looks like big blisters. At this point, my flowerhorn has stop eating and just stands in the corner of the tank most...
  12. Jacob._.merc

    Mystery snail help

    Ive had this mystery snail for about a month or so and over the time his shell has been turning white and has green streaks on it. I have some big fish with him and i dont know if its them just knocking them around. His shell is like thinner in some areas, almost transparent.
  13. F

    Epsom salt solution help!

    Hey guys, first post here! I have a question as I recently bought my first flowerhorn but had a question regarding treating internals with epsom salt (I keep other large cichlids and some australian natives as well aa a community tank but never had to do it). As the fish is refusing food, I...
  14. S

    flowerhorn head have blister like pops

    what happened to my flowerhorn. it has blister like pops on its head and how to treat it. please help. it is eating its food i have alraedy changed 50% water.
  15. PGJE

    red line under dorsal fin on angelfish??

    My angelfish has a pale red line under his dorsal fin, I don't know if thats anything bad, but he never had that before, it wasn't part of his coloring. He still eats and swims around like normal, but I just want to make sure he's okay, or what i could do to help him. Here are a few pictures...
  16. GoldFinger


    Any help would be much appreciated. My Madagascar Cichlid has some skin lesions and white spots that occur randomly over his body. It doesn’t appear to be Ich and I originally treated it with a salt bath and then repeated water changes while adding salt. My fish is in a 20G hospital tank now...
  17. C

    How to get rid of ich

    how can I get rid of ich. My dovii has it.
  18. A

    Sick Flowerhorn. Not sure what to do!

    my 3” blue Flowerhorn got attacked by my Oscar in a 125g tank. I think he got scratched on a rock in the tank because he has pretty deep cuts down his side. I separated my Oscar and put him in a 75g by himself, but the Flowerhorn kept getting worse. The scratches turned red and he started...
  19. Chinnavar

    Dwarf Gourami: Iridovirus?

    Hello, About a month ago I decided to get a dwarf gourami for my 10g tank which housed 3 oto's and a buttload of shrimps. My initial thought was to keep the shrimp population in control while also keeping the gourami happy with fresh food, which worked for a while before he snapped and ate 95%...
  20. T

    Possible Hole in the Head Disease?

    I recently noticed a lesion on my Salvini Cichlids head. At first I thought it was just an injury from fighting but after a little research, I'm worried it may be the beginning of Hole in the Head (HITH). The fish still readily takes food and is behaving normally. The damage seemed to show up...