
  1. Ricardo quezada

    Fish suggestions 150gal

    I don't know what to keep in a 150 gal tank. I like arowanas and alligator gars but I knwo they can not be housed in any aquarium because they would be i humane and cruel. I'd rather stay away from cichlids. I was think about freshwater rays or some other oddball fish. I would like some kind of...
  2. Narwhal

    Spiney Eels and Nitrates

    So it the current tank I keep my spiny eel in (a Mastacembelus frenatus) nitrates are at zero or close to it. That being said I have been planning to upgrade the eel for months now. I have a much larger tank set up, and am currently using it as a holding tank for a few fish, which I used to...
  3. L

    Dinosaur Bichir Tank Mates

    Hello, im a new member here and not so experienced with many types of fish. I did a little research before purchasing my bichir and peacock eel but haven't found any tank mates that catch my interest. The pair are in a temporary tank, soon to be moved into either 200g tank or 120g, but for...
  4. L

    Bichir and Peacock eel tank set up?

    I have a dinosaur bichir and a peacock eel in a temporary tank right now, they are both about 3". I'm sure this has been asked before but what would be some good tank mates for a 200 gallon tank? some mid-high swimmer fish that don't hide much and some cleaner fish? and what other bottom...
  5. xDestro

    New pics from 75 feeding

  6. Night owl

    Questions about fire eels

    I just bought a fire eel for my 33 gallon it seemed normal at first but after a few hours I noticed these weird white dots on it I assumed ich when I added the does I usually add for scaless fish about 5 minutes later it turned almost a white I was wondering if anyone could explain this as he is...
  7. C

    Looking for American eel for my 125g

    Hey guys new here. I'm custom building a 125g tank from scratch and when I'm done I want to add an American eel to hang out in the caves I built please help TYIA
  8. R

    Electric Blue JD with Black Spotted Eel?

    Hello, I am thinking of setting up a 75 gallon tank with an Electric Blue JD and a black spotted eel. I am going with this eel as it is one of the only true freshwater eels I could find. Others needed brackish water. Does anyone have experience with this/ think it will work out?
  9. R

    White Spots on Fire Eel?

    Hello, I've noticed numerous white spots on my 10-12" fire eel. I can't tell if it's ich or some disease, or if it's just the eels natural paterns developing. I tend to over-worry about this guy, so this could be nothing. But I wanted to ask to be safe. Pictures attached. Anyone know what...
  10. Ohionick2017

    90 gallon filtration

    I have a 90 gallon (48x18) im currently resealing i bought off of craigslist and i wanna go with a cannister filter(s). stocking: 1 jack dempsey 1 turqoise severum 1 gold nuggett pleco 1 peacock eel I'd like to do black sand substrate and driftwood as an aquascape I was thinking of either a...
  11. M

    Is sand blasting sand safe for aquarium use?

    I was wondering if sandblasting sand safe for aquariums.I was going to switch my white sand to something like black,tan or garnet sand.But the only garnet sand i could find online was the type they use for sandblasting.I have bichirs and other oddball fish and wanted to switch to a different...
  12. B

    How much should I feed my fire eel?

    I bought a fire eel recently I've had him for about a month and he's eating dozen blood worms fine about a cube a day is that enough food for him or should I be feeding him more?
  13. xDestro

    Synodontis vs eel?

    Woke up this morning to my 6 inch bichir trying to eat my baby banjo cat. He's already eating my clown loach so I was pretty pissed, cat was okay so I went and took him back to LFS, there I saw synodontis notatus. He was big ( maybe 7-8 inches) and active. Long story short I got him! ( like to...
  14. A

    Anyone ever keep a California Moray Eel (Gymnothorax mordax)?

    I have a 2 ft one right now in my coldwater system and was just curious if anyone has an idea on what their rate of growth is? I've found their max size and age but nothing on their rate of growth? He gets a couple of large shrimp every few days on average right now. He picked off a few of...
  15. xDestro

    Fw eel help

    I got a peacock eel about a week ago and I haven't seen or been able to get it to eat, it just kinda chills behind the intake for my filter, today I did a water change and it seemed to stress it out a bit and it came out and I noticed it was pretty damn skinny, I feed sinking shrimp pellets and...
  16. xDestro

    Pictus with bichir?

    Got my 75 setup and will be getting a senegal bichir, a peacock eel and a zig zag eel soon. I want a larger schooling fish so I was thinking clown loaches but they will eventually outgrow the tank, bala sharks also came to mind but I'm not sure how fast they would outgrow the tank, then I came...
  17. xDestro

    Channel cat in 75?

    I have a 75 setup and I plan on getting 1 senegal bichir 1 peacock eel and 1 zig zag eel, I was gonna get a small school of clown loaches and just trade then out when they got big but my LFS had 2 roughly 6 inch channel cats. I do a lot of fishing and channels are what I love catching so could I...
  18. O

    Baby monster fish

    Hi I am new to the site but have a nice 75 gallon setup with some baby monster fish. It has a glass bottom with rocks and lots of places to hide and my fish so far are, 2 rope fish, 2 fire eels, one goby dragon, a zig zag eel, a clown knife fish, a peacock eel, a spiny eel, a dinosaur bichir 7...
  19. C

    Ropefish and Bichirs

    Need help. Just purchased some ropefish a few days ago. Two have died. 3 are left. I have two canister filters, each rated for 100 gallons, filtering the tank. Biological media, carbon, and plent of mechanical filtration in both. Have done a lot of water changes to combat the fact that I added 5...
  20. I

    Fat eel.

    So my m.Dayi is a chunker. His belly looks like he just ate a big meal, but I haven't fed him in a few days. I wanted to see if it would go down. Gave him an Epsom salt bath in a bucket for 15 min yesterday, no poop though. Did I just feed him way too much for the past couple months and he got...