
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Miks786

    Fire eel care???

    Hey guys I’m looking at getting a fire eel tomorrow... Any tips for me? Are they hard to pellet train? Growth rate on them?
  2. T

    New eels new problems!

    Hey yall I got a new spiney eels he’s currently about 14 or so enches long and about an inch in diameter he’s truly beautiful.. but! He incessantly tries to swim into the canisters outflow and he knocks it off and has scraped his head once. Any idea on how to deter him from doing this and...
  3. neko1


    Hello, I would like to start a moray tank. Because of my budget and time the only option is freshwater or brackish. I would like to stay freshwater if that is an option but otherwise brackish would be no problem. I would like to keep Echidna rhodochilus or g. tyle. The leopard freshwatermoray...
  4. T

    Worried about my large fire eel, looking for advice

    Hey everyone I don’t post often and I really should but I’m looking everywhere for advice and this is a likely spot. I’ve got 4 spiny eels right now one 15 inch tire track eel one 5 inch zig zag eel one 10 inch Borneo python eel and my beloved 16 inch fire eel I’ve raised from a baby. He has...
  5. N

    Xanthic/Gold Fire Eel

    Has anyone seen one of these recently? Would love to own one.
  6. A

    Gymnothorax tile Care help ( FW snowflake eel)

    I came across this guy at my LFS and I just HAD to have him. Me myself, I love exotic freshwater fish. So this is my first attempt to go brakish. I would like to gather any info or tips I can about this eel. I do have a 55gal that’s empty I’m going to be turning into a brakish water aquarium for...
  7. N

    Reputable Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus) supplier

    Hello all! I am interested in buying an electric eel, and after some google searching I have found only two sites (aquascape online and aquarium fish sale) that offer them. Does anyone have any experience ordering electric eels or other fish from either of these sites? They are charging...
  8. PGJE

    Khuli loach in 23 gallon community tank???

    I have a 23 gallon community tank with: 1 angelfish 3 giant danios 1 dwarf gourami 1 Cory catfish Can I put a khuli loach in with them? Or is there any eel like fish that could?
  9. B

    Need help with choosing new tankmates

    Here is the problem. I am an American and I live in Israel, in a small town in the Negev desert. Despite this aquariums are a common hobby in this town and there are 5 pet shops in this small town of 40,000 people. However the variety of fish available are limited and tend to rarely change...
  10. Narwhal

    Spiny Eels with African Cichlids

    So as I have been rearranging my tanks I was thinking of moving my Pundamilia nyererei in with my Spiny Eel. It is a Mastacembelus frenatus that is about 5.5-6 inches long. I have kept it with Cyps, but you can keep them with most community fish. I have wanted to put the eel in with my Lake...
  11. Ricardo quezada

    Fish suggestions 150gal

    I don't know what to keep in a 150 gal tank. I like arowanas and alligator gars but I knwo they can not be housed in any aquarium because they would be i humane and cruel. I'd rather stay away from cichlids. I was think about freshwater rays or some other oddball fish. I would like some kind of...
  12. Narwhal

    Spiney Eels and Nitrates

    So it the current tank I keep my spiny eel in (a Mastacembelus frenatus) nitrates are at zero or close to it. That being said I have been planning to upgrade the eel for months now. I have a much larger tank set up, and am currently using it as a holding tank for a few fish, which I used to...
  13. L

    Dinosaur Bichir Tank Mates

    Hello, im a new member here and not so experienced with many types of fish. I did a little research before purchasing my bichir and peacock eel but haven't found any tank mates that catch my interest. The pair are in a temporary tank, soon to be moved into either 200g tank or 120g, but for...
  14. L

    Bichir and Peacock eel tank set up?

    I have a dinosaur bichir and a peacock eel in a temporary tank right now, they are both about 3". I'm sure this has been asked before but what would be some good tank mates for a 200 gallon tank? some mid-high swimmer fish that don't hide much and some cleaner fish? and what other bottom...
  15. xDestro

    New pics from 75 feeding

  16. Night owl

    Questions about fire eels

    I just bought a fire eel for my 33 gallon it seemed normal at first but after a few hours I noticed these weird white dots on it I assumed ich when I added the does I usually add for scaless fish about 5 minutes later it turned almost a white I was wondering if anyone could explain this as he is...
  17. C

    Looking for American eel for my 125g

    Hey guys new here. I'm custom building a 125g tank from scratch and when I'm done I want to add an American eel to hang out in the caves I built please help TYIA
  18. R

    Electric Blue JD with Black Spotted Eel?

    Hello, I am thinking of setting up a 75 gallon tank with an Electric Blue JD and a black spotted eel. I am going with this eel as it is one of the only true freshwater eels I could find. Others needed brackish water. Does anyone have experience with this/ think it will work out?
  19. R

    White Spots on Fire Eel?

    Hello, I've noticed numerous white spots on my 10-12" fire eel. I can't tell if it's ich or some disease, or if it's just the eels natural paterns developing. I tend to over-worry about this guy, so this could be nothing. But I wanted to ask to be safe. Pictures attached. Anyone know what...
  20. Ohionick2017

    90 gallon filtration

    I have a 90 gallon (48x18) im currently resealing i bought off of craigslist and i wanna go with a cannister filter(s). stocking: 1 jack dempsey 1 turqoise severum 1 gold nuggett pleco 1 peacock eel I'd like to do black sand substrate and driftwood as an aquascape I was thinking of either a...