
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. B

    Pairing festae

    I recently acquired 7 WC festae that were between 3 and 4 inches. Over the past month they've all grown anywhere from one half to an inch in length. (Thought they were slow growers but I'm pleasantly surprised). Anyways they are starting to show some adult coloring and I appear to have 4 females...
  2. joegriggs

    Festae Cichlid Progression Thread

    Here's a picture of one of my Red Terror grow outs, a real stunner considering he's only just pushing over 3.5" and showing the majority of his colors already. He has been kept in a tank with a more dominant RTM and a smaller Texas recently, so the colors would normally be much brighter...
  3. JF Sirois

    Festae in mtl canada

    Hey, I was looking to get some festaes, preferably f1 or f2 but i didn't want to pay tons of money for shipping. I live in montreal canada and i was wondering if anyone knew about a place i could buy some or somebody who breeds them near by. Size doesn't matter, i can get them pretty small...
  4. Aqua Nut

    Fish Room Tour 2016 | SA CA Cichlids

    Join us as we visit the fishroom of a monster fish keeper. This fish room tour features over 9 different aquariums. We are guided through this monster fish room tour of a true monster fish keeper. Dave shows off his amazing collection of gorgeous, huge South American cichlids and Central...
  5. S

    Opinions and advice

    Hello all! So, i am slowly building up a cichlid tank. At the moment, i have a festae female (5inch), red tiger motaguense female (5inch), nandopsis tetracanthus (3inch) and a crenicichla sp. iniridae II (3inch). These get along really well. The mota and festae go everywhere together and they...
  6. cinderellaterra

    Breeding Festae

    I have recently purchased 4 terrors in the hope of getting a female out of it, they are currently in an 8ft display tank. I really have a liking for this cichlid and would like to have a crack at breeding them. I have a 4ft in the garage and was wondering if anyone who has bred them could chime...
  7. Twonvito

    welcome my wild caught festae rio zarmuilla

    I'm just excited. I finally took my wild caught festae rio zarmuilla out of the quarantine tank into the grow out tank. I only took 3 pictures so far. Enjoy!
  8. RampageRR

    FS | Festae fry - entire group for sale | $60 | Martinsburg, WV 25401 | Pickup

    Looking to sell my group of approximately 30-35 festae fry (1/4-1/2 an inch or so, a little over a month old). My pair just spawned again, and I'm afraid they're going to clean their first batch out before the new one hatches if my experience with other cichlids holds true. I'm in Martinsburg...
  9. F

    FS: Festae, Albino ARTC - Pick Up Only North/Central NJ

    10-12"+ Alpha Male Festae about 3 years old, has bred multiple times - $125 I have a few other males in the 5-8" range - $50ea Take all festaes for $150 12" Albino Asian Red Tail Catfish (also quite a few years old) - $100 Will be selling my 7' 270g tank with stand and advanced filtration /...
  10. N

    Addition Suggestions

    So I have a 240g 8x2x2. Originally it was stocked with: 4 Silver Dollars 1 Breidohri 1 Salvini 1 Escondido 2 Festae ( both ended up being females) The Salvini died about 4 months ago mysteriously with no sign of illness or aggression. The escondido had some sort of infection on it's back...
  11. Teke left

    Festae grow issues

    So I've been trying to get my hands on festae for quite some time .. It was a real struggle.. So I ended up getting 6 from Jeff Rapps. When I received them the tank I was going to put them in a 75 I suddenly realized that the 4 inch red devil could questionably eat them so I had to jump...
  12. RampageRR

    WTB: Female festae

    Looking for a 4" to 6" female festae. I'm willing to drive an hour or two to meet up, so most anywhere in the DC / MD/ VA (and the closer parts of PA and WV) area should work. If not, I'd also be OK with having one shipped as long as you're comfortable/experienced with shipping. I would be...
  13. T

    Red, blue and green?

    Drunken idea: female festae, true parot and lenticulata pike together in 125? Could this work longer term? Assuming lots of drift wood and plants?
  14. N

    Order from Dan at Cichlids of the Americas

    So I decided to order from Dan this time instead of Rapps. I've been watching their stock for probably 2 months and Dan's was just more appealing at the moment. He's shipping out next monday and I'll be sure to snap a few pics once they get into the tank. The order: 2x Festae 3" (I was told...
  15. cichlidsickness

    Festae Pair - Stomper x Lucille

    Just thought I'd post some pics of my festae pair today. The female is Lucille and the male is Stomper. I've raised Lucille since she was just an egg from my first pair I no longer have. I got Stomper at my local fish store at about and inch in length. She is about 7 inches and he is about...
  16. C

    Trading 5'' Flowerhorn for Young Cichlasoma Festae Group|Natick, MA|Pickup Only

    Hi I have a 5 inch Flowerhorn that I would like to trade for some Cichlasoma Festae (preferably a young pair or a group of young fish). I bought this fish off a guy a few months back and he said that the fish was around 6 months old. Let me know if you are interested and we can pick a place to meet.