• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. Benthebassmaster

    Exodon tank mates

    What are tank mates for exodon tetras. Would a dwarf pike cichlid be fine.
  2. Benthebassmaster

    Electric blue jack dempsey

    Would you suggest for me to get a electric blue Jack Dempsey. I hear they die a lot. Is this true
  3. Benthebassmaster

    Predators for a 40 gallon tank

    I am thinking about getting a 40 gallon tank. I want a single predator fish or a single one with bigger schooling fish. Erythrinus erythrinus/red wolf fish/rainbow wolf fish are ilegal in Florida so I can’t keep one
  4. H

    For Trade Red terror cichlid 9 inch female for grabs

    Red terror female 9inch for trade
  5. Benthebassmaster

    Smallmouth bass tank size

    I know a large mouth bass needs at least like a 8 ft tank but does a smallmouth need that much room. I was wondering if it could be in a 180 gallon tank
  6. Benthebassmaster

    Black skirt tetras with angelfish

    Do you think black skirt tetras would be fine with angelfish. I heard bad and good things happening. I have a 55 gallon tank I know angelfish will probably not mess with the black skirts but will the black skirts mess with the angelfish
  7. Benthebassmaster

    What is the best fish or snail to breed for profit

    I saw a video saying someone got 1000 dollars in one month by breeding mystery snails. Do you think they are the best to breed for profit
  8. i Aqua

    For Sale For Sale: iAqua Carbons for sale!

    " About our product:iAqua Carbon supplies a custom-designed range of carbon and a mixture of Lava rocks to maintain the carefully controlled conditions of the aquarium environment. Decomposed organics and even trace levels of residual disinfectants such as chlorine and chloramine. The Superior...
  9. T

    For Sale Monster Fish sale cheap***

    Golden Chinese wels 22” $250 Shortbody Redtail 14” $180 Bumblee bee grouper 10” $150 Xxl sun catfish 10” $40 Everything must go all measurements are unofficial Central Kentucky willing to meet within reason for $
  10. redtail0812

    For Sale Redtail catfish about 3-4 inchs

    Have a few rtc available
  11. T

    For Sale *Rare Fish Sale*

    25” arapaima gigas 550 24” golden Chinese wels catfish $475 10” bumblebee Grouper $200 20” African lungfish $100 16” shortbody rtc $475 30” alligator gar $75 Pickup or meet within reason If interested contact me at 859-421-4524
  12. Jacob92677

    For Sale 150 gallon 7ft glass tank

    Selling my 150 gallon glass tank It’s 7ft x 18 x24 comes with black stand in good condition Tank is older has some knicks I wouldn’t consider it show condition but it hold water and has held water the last few years in my garage will come with tank stand and glass lids $350 Or possibly...
  13. O

    For Sale 80 gallon full set up(tank/stand/canopy)

    48x25x15 tank Tank/ Fluval 107 canister filter 1 heater /1airstone Air Pump Light Looking to sale with the stand and canopy in second photo. Used four months Bought for 400$ asking 300 due to moving. Full set up, my loss , your gain.
  14. F

    aquarium video ideas

    hi! my name is varshil and i own the aquarium channel varshil MVH Pets. i'm doing a video series on making a 230 gallon turtle planted paludarium. the series consists of setting up the tank, setting up the fiteration, spending a few days boating to get some aquascape ideas, spending a few days...
  15. F

    how much ceramic media

    how many grams of flual biomax do i need for a 230 gallon tank with a oscar , pleco ,RES turtle, 5 convicts, 2 accaras, 5 geophagus, and 3 severums. i have a 120 gallon tank as a sump filter. thanks!
  16. F

    215 gallon fish suggestions

    hey! i'm setting up a new 6 feet by 2.5 feet by 2 feet 215 gallon aquarium with a 120 gallon tank as a sump. fully cycled , currenly have a oscar, pleco, and a RES turtle, 3 severums, 5 convicts . any ideas for more fish in the future? BTW here's my aquarium channel where i will post a video...
  17. F

    how to breed convicts?

    how to breed convict chiclids? i have 3 males and 2 females in a 200 gallon
  18. K

    Peacock bass at bottom of tank gasping

    Hello I was shocked this afternoon after doing about 30% water change in my 120 gallon. All my fish; 4 peacock bass, a red tail, and a angelfish are now all gasping at the bottom of the tank. Does anyone know why this is happening. ph seemed a little high added some ph lower for the tank, did...
  19. R

    In need of new tank ideas!

    Hey everyone! How you guys been, I haven’t been on in a wild, and then I couldn’t remember my old password and what email I had it on so I just made a new account. Anyway, I’ve had my 20 gallon tank for around 3 years now, and I’ve kept my danios for the whole time, might sound like a boring...
  20. T

    Want to Buy Looking for larger tanks

    Want to buy tanks/builds 225g + Contact me @ 859-421-4524