
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. S

    Food to increase color

    Dear all, please advise how to increase the flowerhorn fish color equal to Thai breeders. Because after buying fish from thai breeders, within a month the fish color get dull. Please advice which is the best to food and how to increase color for fries.
  2. Jacob._.merc

    Fish not eating anything I feed them

    So as you all know I have had an aggressive blood parrot that wouldn't allow my dragon blood peacock in the 90 gallon tank with him. Well things decided to work out I guess and she has accepted living with him in the tank. The only problem I have now is my fish will not eat absolutely anything I...
  3. N

    Pleco food change/ripped fin recovery

    Hi All First off a great big thank you to the whole Monster Fish Community for all the help, advice, and support over the last few years... Q.1 So Our Pleco Squiggly suffered a ripped anal fin about a week ago from unknown source. No changes prior to the injury and the water has been clear...
  4. viper0397

    Hikari Sturgeon Pellets

    Question for you all. Has anyone here ever used hikari sturgeon pellets to feed young rays and if so how did you all like it? Pros and Cons?
  5. D

    Albino Bichir not eating

    Got a new albino bichir about the size of 4-5”.Its been a week hes in a tank with some yellowlabs, a green parrot fish and a baby oscar whos actually a sweetheart.None of the fishes bully the bichir except for some random nips when he tries to go near the dominant yellow labs area otherwise its...
  6. C

    My Motoro Stingray will not eat!

    My motoro stingray has not eaten in about 4 days. The water parameters are all good and all the other fish in the tank are perfectly healthy. This stingray has been in the tank for months and I have never had a problem. There also appears to be damage to some of the edges to her disc. I am...
  7. Zak03

    Feeding my Sun Cat problems

    So I have a sun cat with 2 oscars. All three fish are about the same size 3-4" ( sun cat is slightly smaller). But im having trouble feeding my sun cat. I researched that you should feed the catfish so that it should always have slight bump in the belly. i havent able to acheive that. i feed my...
  8. Zak03

    Feeding Oscar Cichlid Problems

    I have two baby oscars, both around 2" long. I got them a week ago. I am having trouble feeding them. I feed them in the mornign when i wake up, and the evening Usually when i go to bed, but not always that late. I bought cichlid pellets that float at first, but after they sit in the water for...
  9. Iamfish

    Peacock eel on bloodworms?

    Bloodworms is all I have been able to get him to eat, the rest of my tank eats pellets fine so I was wondering is it ok to just keep feeding him bloodworms or will that cause long term issues, and how often should I feed him? Thanks in advance :).
  10. N

    Sick? Pleco stopped eating again

    Hi I was hoping for some help. I posted on another part of the forum, specifically in the Pleco section but no replies yet. Since then we have done a water change, all levels good except ph was a little low- we did a ph chem add on a portion of the water change to try to get it closer to 7.0...
  11. Iamfish

    Fish food recommendations?

    So I have been feeding my fish mainly bloodworms for the last few years and recently I have learned that it is not that nutritious and can cause some digestive problems so I want to switch their main food. My current stock is blue acara albino rainbow shark hoplo catfish albino bristlenose...
  12. Rob909

    What do you feed your plecos??

    I’m looking to mix up the diet of my plecos and see what they like more than other types of veggies. I’ve had tons of success with broccoli with stubborn plecos, had some success with pumpkin, and with my curent batch, cucumber isn’t too big of a hit. What are some of the things you feed your...
  13. aldiaz33

    New Life Spectrum

    I've been feeding New Life Spectrum for over 10 years and have always been happy with their product. I've always bought the "sinking" type; since I have overflows, I don't want the food to float and get sucked straight into my filter. I ordered the 1MM size last month and the 3MM size a few...
  14. Deadliestviper7

    Fish foods, big list

    this thread is for non pellet and non flake fish foods, feel free to add, notice that I won't add goldfish or smelt due to them being bad for most species. This list of foods for fish doesn't mean all fish should eat x food,just that it may be suitable for part of the diet for some fish
  15. V

    Amphilophus Lyonsi

    I recently picked up some 1” lyonsi and having difficulty getting them to eat. I was wondering from those who have or have had them, what they use? I know they feed on plant seeds, plants and insects in the wild, any foods that replicates that? I currently use New Life Spectrum, Southern...
  16. PGJE

    What do bluegill eat??

    What do bluegill eat? I'm looking for pellet/flake, something that I could get without having to pay a lot or keep alive or such.
  17. A

    Snakehead food?

    Hello everyone, I'm Ashley, I have 11 Channa Pulcha - they are young and only 7-10 cms each at present. They are mostly eating ciclid carnivore pellets with frozen bloodworm and brine shrimp at times too. I'm looking for more ideas on what to feed them, Thanks in advance!
  18. Deadliestviper7

    What are you feeding?

    As it is written above
  19. JordanJ

    Feeding frozen fish

    Here in the UK I’m having a hard time finding tilapia fillets. I can buy whole black tilapia in a local oriental supermarket but it’s not ideal. However whilst I was there I saw a few different species that people will recognise. My question is do people prefer to feed freshwater species of...
  20. C

    Freeze dried food

    What would be the better for my Jaguar Cichlid. Freeze dried shrimp or freeze dried krill?