fresh water

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Mbielek

    75 gal cichlid community tank update!!!

    Hello all! So after battling an algae bloom, and finally returning water to normal condition, I have taken some updated pics!! Let me know what you guys think. Tank contains 2 blood parrots, 1 green terror, 3 silver dollars and one pleco.
  2. Mbielek

    Desperate for suggestions/help with cloudy water

    Hello all, so i had major algae bloom in my 75g tank that ive been battling for a couple weeks. It all started with me putting in an algae wafer for my plec to eat, and im sure because he didnt eat it all, it caused some cloudy water that i didnt like. With me being impatient, i took out about...
  3. Mbielek

    New to the forum, looking for general info/feedback/opinions

    So I'm new to MFK, just want to see what anybody has to say about my tank setup in general. I have a 75 gallon long stocked with fake plants/decor. Filtered by 2 marineland emperor 400s w/bio wheels. Few bubble stones in place, one 48 in bubble wall as well. I have in my tank two parrot...
  4. xDestro

    First bichir! Few questions

    I finally got my first bichir! ( sorry he's hard to get a pic of ) he's only maybe 3 and a half inches and I got him yesterday, he's in a 75 with 5 pictus cats. I feed the cats tubefix worms and they go crazy for them but I never saw my bichir eat so what do they normally eat? I saw him eat a...
  5. P

    Can I put this in my tank?

    Has anyone ever had a clay pot change the water chemistry in the tank? Is this ok to put In my tank?
  6. xDestro

    Pictus with bichir?

    Got my 75 setup and will be getting a senegal bichir, a peacock eel and a zig zag eel soon. I want a larger schooling fish so I was thinking clown loaches but they will eventually outgrow the tank, bala sharks also came to mind but I'm not sure how fast they would outgrow the tank, then I came...
  7. D

    Does my FW sump design look good?

    I just picked up a 90 gallon aquarium and it came with a sump setup for SW with a skimmer and I think it would be easier to start over rather than reconfigure it. I'm using a 20 gallon aquarium because unless I make one myself that's all that will fit in my stand. As of right now we are...
  8. P

    Longer Cycle??

    When adding more water to a tank (evaporation) during a cycle (with prime of course), does this make the cycle longer?
  9. xDestro

    Sick fish or just bacteria?

    I noticed this white clear cloudish stuff on my driftwood only today and wasn't sure wat it is? I'M not gonna lie I have been over feeding a bit in order to have my roseline sharks eat a bit since the 15 platies demolish everything (they'll be gone in a week or 2) I'm gonna do a water change...
  10. P

    Which one to buy?

    Anyone know what airstone/pump brand to buy that creates this effect? (Not my picture)
  11. xDestro

    First tank, fake plants (ik sorry)

    Finally set up my first tank it's in the middle of cycling now. Fake plants ik I'm sorry I'm a newbie but real driftwood and dragon stone. 60 gallon sponge filter 120 canister 4 inch air stone disk Stocking plans: •1 female gold gourami • 1 pleco • 3-4 Roseland sharks • 1-2 bumblebee catfish •...
  12. xDestro

    Cray fish barb safe?

    I'm getting close to setting up my tank and one of the fish I want Is a small school of rose line sharks (Denison barbs) but I also want a white crayfish. Would my barbs be safe with a cray fish around? Would it be best to let my barbs grow larger say 4 inches or so?
  13. Vandyfan13

    Thank you

    After almost two years (easily over a year and a half) of reading and studying and more reading I have started a custom tank build for a stingray. Thanks to this site whom I've just joined but read over and over again I feel comfortable in taking care of theses beautiful fish. I just wanted to...
  14. xDestro

    New, 55 gallon stocking help

    Hello I'm new to MFK so I apologize if I'm doing this wrong. I recently bought a 55 gallon aquarium and not sure what all I can have in it, I'm looking for a community type aquarium but would be open to single bigger fish suggestions. I was looking at gouramis and thinking one good size one...
  15. F

    FS: 150 Gallon Clear for Life Acrylic

    Getting out of the hobby! I have a beautiful 150 complete set up. Comes with everything! Tank has built in dual corner overflows, 60 gallon custom made sump, Aqua UV sterilizer, Lifegard pump, Eshopps filter socks, moving K2 media bed in sump, twin Aquaclear 70 powerheads, two 300 watt heaters...
  16. T

    Question about styrofoam under acrylic tank.

    So I put a half inch sheet of styrofoam under a 240 gallon acrylic tank and I have four bulkheads in the bottom of the tank two out and two in. My question is are the bulkheads going to losen up as I fill the tank with water?
  17. Alchemist

    The journey of the ohrid eel ( INTERESTING )

    The eels from lake Ohrid travelled for millenniums a mysterious journey from Lake Ohrid to the Saragasso Sea. In the second half of the 20th century two dams were built on the Macedonian part of Drim river and four dams were built on the Albanian part. This video shows the migration of the...