
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. xDestro

    Synodontis vs eel?

    Woke up this morning to my 6 inch bichir trying to eat my baby banjo cat. He's already eating my clown loach so I was pretty pissed, cat was okay so I went and took him back to LFS, there I saw synodontis notatus. He was big ( maybe 7-8 inches) and active. Long story short I got him! ( like to...
  2. xDestro


    I noticed a few days ago my zig zag eel had a bit of discoloration on him, then today I did a water change and noticed 1 of my clown loaches and a few ruby red barbs have like very small bubble like thing throughout their body, is this ich? If so what is the best way to treat it and how...
  3. xDestro

    Fw eel help

    I got a peacock eel about a week ago and I haven't seen or been able to get it to eat, it just kinda chills behind the intake for my filter, today I did a water change and it seemed to stress it out a bit and it came out and I noticed it was pretty damn skinny, I feed sinking shrimp pellets and...
  4. xDestro

    Pearl gourami just kinda died

    My pearl gourami died today and I'm not really sure why, water was all normal except maybe the nitrate was a bit high around 40ppm. Temp was same, I was a couple days late on a water change but I wouldn't think that would make a huge difference, I did have a power outage tho for maybe 30 min so...
  5. S

    Freshwater Stingray

    Hey guys, I recently got baby motoro stingray like a week back. He's hardly eating and is housed with an albino bichir and an Asian arowana. He's housed in a 180 gal. The ph, nitrites, ammonia and nitrates are perfect. The bottom substrate is white sand. This morning I noticed a mark on his...
  6. xDestro

    Peacock and zig zag together?

    Iv had a few people tell me you can't keep more than 1 eel together, I'm planning g on getting a zig zag and a peacock for my 75 so will I run into problems? I have 2 large pieces of driftwood for plenty of hiding places and a sandy substrate.
  7. xDestro

    Channel cat in 75?

    I have a 75 setup and I plan on getting 1 senegal bichir 1 peacock eel and 1 zig zag eel, I was gonna get a small school of clown loaches and just trade then out when they got big but my LFS had 2 roughly 6 inch channel cats. I do a lot of fishing and channels are what I love catching so could I...
  8. xDestro

    Is my tank overstocked?

    I have a 55 gallon 5 roseline around 2 inches 5 juli corys less than half inch 2 yo yo loaches one a half inch and other 1 inch 1 dojo around inch and a half 1 Electric blue acara about 2 inches 3 platies 1 Upside down catfish 2 inches 1 Raphael catfish inch and a half 1 pearl gourami inch...
  9. xDestro

    TaILless platy

    Today I noticed that my biggest platy has almost all of his tail missing and I'm not sure what could have done it, I have around a 2 inch opaline female gourami and 2 small rose lines that have been in there for almost a week and a small around 1 inch striped raphael catfish that I put in 2 days...
  10. P

    Best deal?

    Every now and then us fish keepers luck up on "to good to be true" deals. What's some great deal that you guys have lucked up on?
  11. P

    Stocking Ideas?

    Any suggestions for stocking a 90 gallon freshwater ? I'm open for ideas. Also, feel free to post some pictures of your aquascape job/decor setup.
  12. P

    Anyone ever used this??

    Has anyone ever used HTH Pool Filter Sand? How'd it work? Any problems?
  13. xDestro

    Almost fill time

    I'm planning on filling my 55 gallon tank up tomorrow after a quick trip to LFS, I already have prime to make my tap water safe, but I'll be picking up a master test kit, api quick start, stress coat, and ammo lock. I plan on using quick start to start my cycle until I get a few baby tetras from...
  14. xDestro

    Adding BB?

    Does adding bacteria to your non cycled aquarium cycle it? Or is its sole purpose to add it when you add fish to give the existing bacteria a chance to catch up? Is it a bad idea to add it to speed up cycling?
  15. xDestro

    Tetra whisper 100 gallon

    I just ordered the tetra whisper 100 for my 55 gallon, my plan is to use it on a 60 gal sponge filter and a 4 inch air disk. The easiest place for me to put the pump is on the floor on my stand so I'll have roughly 6 ft of tubing going up the back and down into the tank for each piece. Is this...
  16. xDestro

    Porthole or hoplo catfish?

    I have a 55 gallon tank in the works and can't decide of which type of catfish I want. The hoplo really stood out to me because it's a more active catfish but it gets a decent size of 8 inches or so. The porthole also caught my attention because they stay smaller but how active are they...
  17. M

    Oddball tank Size stocking

    Ok, been a while since I have been on here or even posted. I got out of the hobby but now I am jumping back in head first.. So I am about to purchase a 375 gallon tank and going to set it up freshwater. Took a while to find the right tank because of the way my house is set up I didn't exactly...
  18. M

    New aquarium ideas?

    I am getting ready to set up a new aquarium and wanted people opinions on what exotic fish i can legally have in Cali. I currently have an 80 gallon with fahaka puffer, african chiclids, and a balla shark. I was hoping to get something along the lines of Piranhas but was disappointed to find out...
  19. F

    freshwater predatory eels?

    Hi guys, i am looking for a predatory eel that lives in freshwater unlike the freshwater moray eel. Any species you guys know? Help will be appreciated! :D Thanks!
  20. Fishpony

    900 gallon monster pond stocklist

    Hello all, My father and I are building a pond, which is 10 ft in length, 3 ft deep, 4 ft wide. We are currently in the planning stage but we have the area it will be in. We plan for 1 foot of the pond to be in ground and 2 feet of it above ground. We are trying to keep it as cheap as possible...