
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. S

    What has happened to my frontosa.Pls help

    From last one week my fronyosa stopped eating and was somewhat when i saw him he acted wierdly and when i observed closely i saw something like white wool growing out of his hump and his right eye seemed little poped. I immidiately quarentined him to a separate tank and applied anti...
  2. F

    Looking For/Want to Buy Moba Frontosa

    As the title states, I am looking to buy some Moba Frontosa. I currently have 6 F1s and want to add a few more juveniles to this group. The 6 I currently have are all around 3"-4" so around that range would be great, but at the end of the day smaller or larger is fine as well. I don't have...
  3. Y

    I need a tanganyika expert (Tank Build)

    I am trying to build my dream tank. I currently have a 36 gallon with 6 leleupi and 6 julies. I would like to put together a tank with Calvus (Black Inkfin), Compressiceps (Mwela Orange), cyprichromis leptosoma, Julidichromis ragni kipili or marksmithi, leleupis and maybe Frontosa (Kigoma} (I...
  4. Cichlid_freak

    The case of missing frontosa

    Hi, I have a 55g gallon tank with 4 small fronts, a 4 inch red tail catfish, a tiger barb and a red tail black shark. Some days back , I added a 3/4 inch black ghost knife fish, two red tail botias and a couple of goldfish. Okay, I admit this is quite quite overstocked and I will take all the...
  5. Cichlid_freak

    What type of Frontosa is this?

    Hi, I bought 4 juvenile fronts a few days back. The LFS guy could not tell me what type of frontosa it is. Can you please identify this for me? Here are two pics:
  6. Cichlid_freak

    Parrot and Frontosa

    I have recently bought 2 Parrots and a few Frontosas for my 55g tank. The Frontosas are really small and the Parrots are quite small too. But the issue is that the Parrots, though peaceful and extremely shy, seem to push the frontosas while feeding and grab most of the food. I feed the fish...