
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. T

    TL's 60,000 Gal Pond Update + New Fish Project!

    Subscribe to my youtube for more updates and new vids!
  2. I

    Gars illegal in Massachusetts?

    Hello I’m new to this site and have plans of having a gar in the future I want to know if they are illegal in Massachusetts or not
  3. Miks786

    Hujeta Gar with P.bass?

    Hey MFK My lfs recently got in small hujeta gar 2" and blue azul p.bass 2" Would they be fine together? Will the hujeta grow as fast as the bass?
  4. Miks786

    Hujeta Gar with Spotted Gar?

    Hey guys has anyone ever successfully kept a hujeta gar(rocket gar) and spotted gar together? I thought of trying to keep both in the same tank of which both would be the same size but not sure if they would be capable together? Any info would be appreciated TIA ;)
  5. L

    Tank mates for an African lung fish and Florida gar

    I was wondering if a red fin wolf fish would be ok as an addition to my tank, my lungfish is roughly 12 inches and the gar is 10 inches, if this is not a great idea is there any other suggestion you guys have for me I would like a fish that eats live minnows or meaty food off the bottom like the...
  6. neko1


    I heard on this forum that there are 3 types of hejuta gars. I have 3 hejuta's right now, 1 is from another shop then the other 2. And they look different to me, can anyone tell me if they are the same species or different? One has a yellow tail and Is lighter in color the other 2 have a...
  7. rich81090

    fish house build

    Hi everyone, i know this is not specific to Rays but i know a few of you here asked me how i built the fish house so i put this together to try and give you an idea of how i did it. after all its the Rays that started all to fhis :) thanks,
  8. F

    3/6/18 Monster Updated stock list.

  9. spencer0t

    Pond stock

    i have build my own pond 5 foot deep it would be big enough if I wanted to put all of the stock in it but my question is the compatibility of the stock here’s my list so far 1 Indo pacific tarpon 1 African pike 1 Temensis peacock bass 1 clown knife 1 Florida gar And possibly a largemouth bass...
  10. A

    240 gallon Native

    My 240 gallon setup with a LargemouthBass bass,Florida Gar and Flathead Catfish have had them for about 5 years now. Too fun watching these monsters grow up and eat everything you throw at them. Here's a few pics of them, can never get a good pic of the flathead he loves his log almost never...
  11. C

    Is this gill curl or damaged gill?

    One side of my gar's gill looks like this. Is that gill curl or damaged gill? It might've damaged itself since the tank at my LFS was pretty small and was pretty crammed.
  12. F

    December 20 2017 Monster Updated Stock list

    BELOW IS OUR CURRENT STOCK LIST~! WE SHIP VIA FEDEX & CARGO ! We got a way better rate now on fedex, try us ! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR WEEKLY UPDATE ! Grade A Platinum Alligator Gar (COMING IN 2 DAYS) Cuban Gar ( Coming in 2 days) Albino Silver...
  13. Hybridfish7

    anyone know how much a platinum florida gar is worth on average?

    I'm not getting one any time soon. I just want to know how much they would be... All I know about the platinums is they're quite rare, yet I still see a lot of them, they're gonna be more than a regular florida gar, and I know those rare golden/orange ones are like $15k. ^^^GOLD!!!
  14. T


    POND UPDATE + FEEDING!! ENJOY GUYS :D Follow my Facebook page @
  15. Leebtattoos

    Your technique to safely catch gar?

    Catching to stock your tank that is. What techniques do y'all use to not injure the specimen? Nylon rope lure? Cast net? I have a few locations in central Texas I know I can find long nose. Possibly shortnose and spotted as well. Just trying to get some game plans ready for when I finish...
  16. Leebtattoos

    520 gallon plywood tank

    Hey y'all. I used to frequent here a lot but a few years of not having a set up I guess it's been a while. So I'm building a 84x48x30 plywood tank as a room divider/wall to my walk in closet. I'm building my master bedroom addition currently so the tank build will be coinciding with that so...
  17. J

    Please help ID gar

    Thinking of purchasing a gar, seller said that they are Australian spotted gar, but to me they look like alligator gar ? Please help. Attached are the sellers photos
  18. K

    Smaller synodontis and pike characins?

    I recently bought a pair of synodontis “petricola” which actually turned out to be the lucipinnus instead. That said they only grow to a max size of about 4”. I’ve been looking into Hujeta/rocket gars but I’m wondering if they would be compatible. I know if you have a predator you should house...
  19. Josh's Fish

    How to tell if you have a Spotted or Florida Gar

    The internet seems to be full of different ways to differentiate between Spotted and Florida Gars, such as snout length, markings and body shape, but in reality these ways are all false or too nuanced to definitively ID them. In truth, there are not really any true Spotted Gar (Lepisosteus...
  20. Ansorgii

    Is this pond big enough ?

    Hello, I have a pond wich is on average 1,5m deep and has an approximate surface of 3000-4000m^2. It has a very high population of crayfish, shellfish, insects, larvae, frogs, perches, carps and many other nonpredatory fish from two to 30cm in length. I am thinking of adding a small school of...