
  1. R

    FREE  Red Oranda Goldfish (male)

    Nice, healthy Oranda; approximately 8 months old. He has his "breeding stars" so he is 100% male. About 5" TL. Bright coloring and a nicely developed wen for a low-grade goldie. I can meet anywhere within reason in Ocean County, NJ. I'll take $40 obo. *Can message videos of swimming in his...
  2. Arowana.hw

    For Sale  Koi fish

    9-18” koi fish. 8 to choose from, price is 60-150$ depending on size.
  3. B

    Help asap

    I just recently bought 8 black bumblebee cichlids 2 inches, 2 convict cichlids 3 inches, 1 pink kissing gourami 5 inches, and 1 opaline gourami 5 inches from someone off market place he had them all together which i thought was weird as there water conditions were ridiculously below par, i just...
  4. G

    Having some goldfish problems

    I currently have 4 small comet goldfish in a 10 gallon tank. I am aware that it will be too small for them in the future, but they are all currently under 1" in length. Sunspot is the only one that I have not noticed any coloration change on, but Zippi, Dusty, and Shadow are all gaining/"losing"...
  5. tlindsey

    SICK FISH atypical columnaris?

    @kno4te @duanes
  6. N

    Swim bladder flotation device

    Anyone made one before? Was it successful? How is the fish now? Any tips? Our little guy, (Black Moor named Chadwick) developed an unknown illness in December, laying on his side at the bottom of the tank. We did a series of antibiotics and he’s improved to the point we actually think he’s...
  7. rayoddballfish

    Weird lumps on goldfish body?

    Hey all, today I went to pick up a tank from someone getting out of the hobby and they had 3 goldfish in the tank. Tank was def neglected and with further inspection bringing the fish home, two of them seem to have some white fleshy bumpy lumps on body. One is on the gill plate, another on its...
  8. N

    Pleco poisoned by ichX treatment??

    Pleco sick from treatment??? 125gallon freshwater, partially planted, river rock substrate (sparsely covered) currently: (see below for prev details) I THINK the plan is to get a new carbon filter since the water changes seem to upset him and use that to clear the water giving a few days for...
  9. N

    Comparing products: ich-X, microbeLift, fritz copper safe

    First off thanks to everyone here! We have learned so much in the past 3 years being members! NEED TO COMPARE: Ich-X (can order would arrive feb 14) microbeLift (can order would arrive feb 14-16 fritz copper safe (have) full details and questions: looks like Goldie has ich his buddy the 15”...
  10. N

    Transfer went bad! :-(

    Help. Just need advice. Not sure what can even do differently now. Just ready to breakdown with this so mad at my help. Mad at myself. Temp was 76.2 Temp this morning only 71.5 (if accurate) As of 10am 73 We transferred our beloved pleco and goldfish to their 120 acrylic tank last night...
  11. N

    Safe to move? Help

    Is it safe to transfer a goldfish and pleco tank to tank (no buckets, bags, or drips), if test numbers are identical and temperature are within a single Degree of each other? Zero transfer of old water, fully cycled @4weeks api test kit used 2analog thermometers and Braun thermometer set to...
  12. N

    COOL a big tank??!! URGENT!

    urgent our tank is running too hot without a heater! We have by the luck of life a goldfish and a pleco. We have kept our 37g tank at 75 degrees religiously but we are all set to move to our bigger tank 120g which is maintaining 4 degrees higher (close to 80!) no matter what we do. Goldfish...
  13. N

    Possible to cycle too long?

    We started out our cycle trying to transfer some good bacteria from our old tank the filter media and a little old gravel then added ammonia. The gravel is planned to be removed to go for a more natural river rock bottom. The ammonia was too high, ph was too high, we then switched tactics and...
  14. N

    Tank mates

    I posted this under setup, hoping for some more answers on tank mates etc sailfin and pleco shared 120g tank. Other parameters on the original post...
  15. N

    Another emergency?!

    Don’t want a dead fish in the morning -or at all! W/no help until *at least* morning but more likely Saturday, I need fix ideas now. Should I lower the flow on the air stone? Turn down the pump? Worried if I do either tank conditions will hurt the fish. I have live plants i could add but don’t...
  16. N

    Lockdown=No New Tank

    We have been saving for a new (used) tank for a long time now but lockdown out any plans on hold. I’m worried about our fish in the meantime: would you change water more often? Add another filter? Go colder? 35 (may be 37) gallon tank Freshwater Hypostumos Pleco 13.5 inches 2 filters Air stone...
  17. L


    hey, i had a idea a gold fish but i never had an aquarium before i seem online people people keeping goldfish in Gatorade bottles and decided to give it a try, ive purchased 2 common gold fish and put them inside a Gatorade bottle however 1 of them has died in a few hours and the other one isn’t...
  18. Cichlids keeper

    Ways to groom oranda goldfish?

    As the title says what are some ways to groom oranda goldfish? Thanks to anyone who gives me tips in advance!
  19. Jacob6556

    Goldfish in need of help!!

    So I just bought a used fish tank from a friend and the fish tank was completely gross, I’d say hadn’t been cleaned in a year or more, the back wall was solid algae. So anyway the tank came with a 8 inch goldfish in it, and anyway the goldfish has many problems now that it’s a new tank. I have...
  20. Jacob6556

    Large goldfish and a tiger Oscar together??

    So I have had this 75 gallon tank for about 5 years now and I now just have a single goldfish who is around 8 inches along with a few danios. I was just wondering if I take the danios out would I be able to add a small tiger Oscar to the tank? Yes I have slowly moved the goldfish water...