
  1. imabot

    How to convince parents to get another aquarium

    Hey, so there are 2 goldfish in the 20 gallon my parents got for me uncycled. I'd just like to tell you all that I didn't want to get the goldfish. The employee told them they need a 20 gallon at least for one but they were like it's okay if it lives for a few weeks. I'm not even kidding.y...
  2. GamerChick5567

    Saw this on cl just now....

    Wtf. Throwing an animal out with the trash because they didn't want it and were too dumb to learn proper pet care. I feel bad for any other pets they have. Anyone in ie? Might be worth a chance at rescue. It was on free stuff in temecula posted 9 hours ago. I hope he either gets rescued or...
  3. K

    Need Canister Filter Advice

    Hi everyone! I'm new to this site and would like some suggestions on the best cost- effective canister filters for a 60 gallon goldfish tank. (: I currently have 3 common goldfish in a 29 gallon and I'm running an aquaclear 50 on it. The fish have become massive in the one year that I've had...
  4. J

    Tank size for Goldfish

    I know this is a much discussed topic, but I can't make any sense of it. Officially a 48" 40B is good, but I had a common grow to 11", and outgrow a 55g. I have 2x 10s 1x 55 (in use), 1x 90, and a planned aquaponics setup, maybe 800g. I currently want wakins the way some people want asian...
  5. A

    Advise - Cold Water, Open Tank in Sunroom

    I have mostly experience with Angelfish and Bettas. I was curious if anybody can give me any references, suggestions or help with an idea I have for my sunroom? I was thinking of maybe doing something like in this picture (but maybe not quite as fancy or as large) for cold water fish in my...
  6. GamerChick5567

    Cheap Ghetto Pond Ideas?

    Hey guys, need some halp. A bit confused on what direction I should go. The baby common goldfish I rescued off of craigslist need to come out of that 10 gallon quarantine. No luck finding a home for them yet and I don't want them to get stunted since they seem to have grown a little even with a...
  7. GamerChick5567

    Rescued Goldfish- Red Spot Under Both Gill Covers

    Hey guys. There is a problem with one of the small feeder goldfish I rescued off craigslist last week. I will note that the rest died from stress and the ammonia in transport. (Long story, originally there were 5 common goldfish and 2 rosy reds! If you haven't seen my other post they were in...
  8. J

    Gold fish eye popping out

    My gold fish hut his/her eye when we first got it. We treated it and while we are sure it's blind in that eye it's been doing well for the last 5 years. About month ago I realized its eye was wiggly so I I took it out and put it in a 10gallon hospital tank. I treated it with API Melafix but it...
  9. Hendre

    14 year olds big aquaponics project

    So for my science project and to satisfy my need to do more aquaponics (hopeful career :) )i am building a large aquaponic system to test how root exposure to water affects plant growth, This is all i have done for my report so far: To test my subject i will be using an 1000 litre container...
  10. Hendre

    protrusion from under goldfish scale possible injury, any ID?

    good evening guys and gals of mfk, after moving my goldfish from a 80 litre tank outside to temporary 250 indoors i noticed one of my goldfish had a foreign object coming out from under the scales, possibly a parasite? It may have knocked itself on a brick sitting in the small tank used to...
  11. overdrive

    bichir newbie from texas!

    Hey, I'm a newbie to the monster fish arena - goldfish don't really count, despite their size and messmaking. I'm the proud owner of a fat albino bichir named Udon and a tiny little ornate named Brutus. Plus a blood and kirin parrot, as yet unnamed. Mostly here to do some further reading on...
  12. littleturt

    Cleaning My 150 Gallon Pond

    So I have an 150 gallon pond and it currently has extra, larger fish (I'm going to be moving them out to a larger tank that I have once I can get help setting it up. They aren't especially large but just larger than the rest I have) and there is a great amount of debris at the bottom of the tank...
  13. Redearsunfish

    So you want to keep fancy Goldfish do ya?

    This is a good place to start
  14. C

    Treating Anchor Worms and Fungus?

    Hi, I posted a couple of days ago on my fish having Anchor Worms. I figured it went away, but I now see that the anchor worm has come back and he hasn't been able to recover from the fungus. He is a hardy little thing and is very energetic and hungry. I've been trying to find a treatment that...
  15. C

    Possible Anchor Worm Infestation

    Hi, this is my first post in this website, so hello guys :). So, two days ago I bought a black oranda goldfish. When I got him I noticed there was a dangly piece of scale on his side, but didn't think much of it. The following day I noticed that a second one had appeared on his other side. So...
  16. littleturt

    Driftwood Slime

    I was curious about some slime on my driftwood. It is completely clear and I actually can't see it with my own eye. I could only tell it was there when I touched the surface of the wood. It was slimy in certain areas and in others it was not. This slime appeared while I was soaking it and it...