green terror

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. S

    Is it Ich?

    I have a 75 gallon tank with 1 convict cichlid, 1 jack dempsey, 1 "flowerhorn hybrid", 1 pleco and 7 emerald cory catfish. I realize this is not an ideal community and I have other large tanks for future transfers. My fish have been flashing semi-regularly for the past several weeks. Mostly my...
  2. E


    I have 2 oscars 13cm and the other about 9cm and 2 green terror both are same size 10cm, one commin pleco 8cm i was thinking of buying a silver arowana Tank size 428 L Can i keep a silver arowna with them ?
  3. M

    JD 30 gallon starter tank

    So I recently acquired a 29 gallon tank of a family member and I was planning in starting a cichlid tank. Would a 29 gallon tank be enough to start for a Jack Dempsey, firemouth, bushy nose pleco, and a green terror? The plan would be to upgrade to at least a 55 in about a year. Thanks for any...
  4. G

    For Sale 60g aquarium with everything and Fish

    60G glass aquarium (standard dimensions) for sale with black stand, lights, lids, marineland 350 HOB filter, and 300W heater with external LED temp display. Also have a 1 year old marineland C360 that I planned on keeping for the future but would sell for extra $75. Can include all decor, food...
  5. T

    Terror being beautiful

    Just looked good, figured I’d share him with y’all.
  6. D

    Green terror with Fungal Infection

    So about 2 weeks ago I noticed my green terror was growing a cotton like fungus and after doing a little research/asking around I decided to treat her with salt. I took her out of her community tank and put her in isolation. Started off treating the tank with 1tbsp of salt per 3 gallons of...
  7. I

    Small growth/infection on green terror fin

    Was watching the tank and I just noticed a growth on my male gts fin. Idk what it is and never had a fish with this issue it doesn’t seem to be bothering him at all. I’m wondering if I should be worried or it will probably go away on its own. Him and his female are in breeding mode and he’s...
  8. T

    Green Terror swimming in side

    We have set up a new tank, we have a 2" GT and 2" oscar. They seem very stressed. GT is swimming on his side a lot and hiding by the heater. We have had the GT for 4 days and the oscar exactly 1 week now. The oscar loses his dark spots for a few hours and then goes back to normal. So, I'm just...
  9. B

    Advice on new cichlid tank setup

    Hi, first time posting here, after some advice on a new tank setup. It's a brand new 600L tank, 60"L x 24"W x 30"H. Completely empty at the moment. I'm thinking... 1 or 2 Oscars 1 Jack dempsey 1 Green terror 1 Texas or carpintis cichlid 2 birchirs. Probably armoured bichirs Some catfish of...
  10. K

    Green terror and Oscar

    So I have a 3 year old green terror. He has been through a lot, he has batted hole in the head and an addiction to bloodworms and won both fights. My Oscar seems bored and my green terror does as well. My green terror is in a 40 gallon breeder and my Oscar is in a 75. I know the 40 is a little...
  11. K

    Green terror hole in the head?

    So I noticed a week ago that my green terror won’t eat any food and has small pin sized holes on his head, I’ve been treating general cure as box instructed. But it doesn’t seem to be getting any better, I do a 25% wc twice a week and bumped it to 50%. Nitrates tend to stay at 20/30. I guess my...
  12. M

    Green Terror Gender

    Can anyone help determine the sex of this green terror? i got it as a gift but i’m dying to know if it’s male or female. Fish is about 3.5 inches. Also the fins looks backwards on this fish.
  13. Q

    Green Terror Sexing

    Hey guys just wondering if anyone could tell if this was a male or female GT? Or is it still too young to tell?
  14. J

    For Sale Green Terrors 9+ Inches

    Fish are outgrowing my tank. I have 4 that are around 9-10in. All are healthy. Local pick up only due to size. PM through email with any questions:
  15. djsaltynuts

    is this a gold saum or green terror?

    sold to me as a green terror but i assumed it was a gold saum due to the yellow seam. ik theres like 8 different species that fall under the name green terror what do you guys think?
  16. djsaltynuts

    IM IN NEED OF HELP ASAP with green terror and macaw cichlid aggression

    today i leave town so if something needs to be done it needs to be done immediately and im not sure if ill get a response fast enough. i impulsively bought a fish yesterday to replace 2 geos and a green texas that were killed a couple weeks ago. the green terror is under 3 inches and was the...
  17. B

    Is this a female green terror ?

    I was wondering if this green terror was a female ? It's a close to 6", it's not the tank boss so the colors might be a bit muted but I think it lacks coloring for a male. I would've liked it to be a male since they're so stunning. I got it 6 months ago and it's color hasn't improved much.
  18. Beau_kirch

    Green Terror Aggression

    Hi, I’ve got a 6x2x2 tank with a juvenile Oscar (About 5cm) , juvenile Saratoga (about 12cm) and a juvenile green terror (about 8cm).... the green terror seems to be extremely aggressive, it’s relatively constant chasing of both.... as if the green terror is saying... “no you’re not going...
  19. O

    Green Terror Sexing

    Hello i have a green terror fry thinking 5 or 6 month old. Can you help mw for sexing Male or Female ? Here is 2 photos
  20. PrymeTyme-716

    Planted 180G

    Will update as often as possible