green terror

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. TriLamb13

    Tea Cup Stingrays and Green Terror?

    My bestie has two teacup stingrays in a 125g and a Green Terror in a 60g. Do you think they could cohabitate together in the 125g?
  2. Lil g

    Fat fish

    Hey guys, I'm having an issue with one of my cichlids, I'm not sure what it is but the fish is acting completely fine other then it's physical appearance.... I have a female green terror who laid eggs once before but there was no male so they weren't fertilized.. Now almost for the past 2 months...
  3. Angelphish

    Tiger Barb Tank Mates

    I have a school of eight Tiger barbs in my 200 gallon, 7' x 2' x 2', aquarium. There were a couple more fish I wanted before I would consider it fully stocked. Currently the largest fish in the aquarium is the Blood Parrot, but the Bala's and Pleco will surpass him. I was looking for more...
  4. R

    Green terror terror

    So I have a Green Terror who's being a terror. First some back ground. I had (lost one fire mouth) 2 green terrors, a Texas, hybrid Jack Dempsey, and a fire mouth, recently deceased... Have had them since they were all about 2 inches long and in a 75 gallon tank. Recently moved them in with my...
  5. Rishab

    Can I add an arowana with my 2.5" cichlids and 3' giant gourami ?

    Already in the tank: 2 firemouths, 2 green terrors 1 convict. And a pleco 2 tiger sharks and a 2" GG, 3.5' GG.
  6. D

    Male or female green terror?

    Hi, is this a male or female green terror? thanks!
  7. A

    New Jack Dempsey Tank Setup Help!

    I am in the process of setting up a 60 gal tank with sand substrate decorated with rocks and driftwood. I really would like to get a Jack Dempsey, but also wanted to add some other fish to the tank. I wanted to ask opinions on if my stocking list would work, as depending on which fish I get is...
  8. B

    Electric Blue Acara x Green Terror = Blue Gene Blue/Green Terror?

    Got a little electric blue acara about 3" now, believe it to be male. Waiting on special order from LFS to arrive with a green terror believed to be female about the same size. Looking to hybridize the two to get offspring with green terror traits that's may posses a 'blue gene'. I don't have a...
  9. L

    sociopath green terror

    Hello everyone. As a first time south american cichlid owner I was wondering what caused my green terror to snap and what I can do about it. So here's the story. I have a nice 55 gallon setup with 6 fish in it, all between 3-5 inches. The green terror and a starry night cichlid were the first...
  10. Stanzzzz7

    My 7x2x2 green terror tank

    Here are some pics
  11. Sizzy905

    75 gallon cichlid tank

    ive changed the stock in my 75 from angels/gouramis to cichlids now. I've gone withe one jd roughly 2 inches, one firemouth roughly 2 inches, and one convict about an inch, and planning to add some dither fish. Is there any other cichlid that i can keep? I would also like suggestions on what...
  12. brittneyelz

    Need Help with my Canister

    i have Ehiem 3 canister filter in my 120gal. I have never had a canister filter before and my tank is starting to smell a little and im not sure how to fix the issue. there is a green tint to it that I cant seem to get rid of with weekly water changes ect. im sure there are a lot of different...
  13. R

    My new green Terros

    I need help my green Terros are about one inch and a half I can't tell there gender I named them Tom and Jerry for now and they are cool but I just need help with that
  14. Sizzy905

    Need help stocking please!

    So I just bought a brand new 75 gallon tank. I'm using an Aqueon Quiet Flow 55/75 filter. I'm planning on having one Senegal Bichir, one Green Terror, and a group of medium sized schooling fish say 4-5 inches, that will go well with the aggression of a Green Terror. So my question is, will the...