Hey guys, I'm having an issue with one of my cichlids, I'm not sure what it is but the fish is acting completely fine other then it's physical appearance.... I have a female green terror who laid eggs once before but there was no male so they weren't fertilized.. Now almost for the past 2 months...
I have a school of eight Tiger barbs in my 200 gallon, 7' x 2' x 2', aquarium. There were a couple more fish I wanted before I would consider it fully stocked. Currently the largest fish in the aquarium is the Blood Parrot, but the Bala's and Pleco will surpass him. I was looking for more...
So I have a Green Terror who's being a terror. First some back ground.
I had (lost one fire mouth) 2 green terrors, a Texas, hybrid Jack Dempsey, and a fire mouth, recently deceased... Have had them since they were all about 2 inches long and in a 75 gallon tank. Recently moved them in with my...
I am in the process of setting up a 60 gal tank with sand substrate decorated with rocks and driftwood. I really would like to get a Jack Dempsey, but also wanted to add some other fish to the tank. I wanted to ask opinions on if my stocking list would work, as depending on which fish I get is...
Got a little electric blue acara about 3" now, believe it to be male. Waiting on special order from LFS to arrive with a green terror believed to be female about the same size. Looking to hybridize the two to get offspring with green terror traits that's may posses a 'blue gene'.
I don't have a...
Hello everyone. As a first time south american cichlid owner I was wondering what caused my green terror to snap and what I can do about it. So here's the story. I have a nice 55 gallon setup with 6 fish in it, all between 3-5 inches. The green terror and a starry night cichlid were the first...
ive changed the stock in my 75 from angels/gouramis to cichlids now. I've gone withe one jd roughly 2 inches, one firemouth roughly 2 inches, and one convict about an inch, and planning to add some dither fish. Is there any other cichlid that i can keep? I would also like suggestions on what...
i have Ehiem 3 canister filter in my 120gal. I have never had a canister filter before and my tank is starting to smell a little and im not sure how to fix the issue. there is a green tint to it that I cant seem to get rid of with weekly water changes ect. im sure there are a lot of different...
I need help my green Terros are about one inch and a half I can't tell there gender I named them Tom and Jerry for now and they are cool but I just need help with that
So I just bought a brand new 75 gallon tank. I'm using an Aqueon Quiet Flow 55/75 filter. I'm planning on having one Senegal Bichir, one Green Terror, and a group of medium sized schooling fish say 4-5 inches, that will go well with the aggression of a Green Terror. So my question is, will the...