• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

growth rate

  1. Ed204

    Gold Severum Growth Rate

    Hi there! I'm new to the site and heard that this was the place to go. Anyway, I have recently acquired a baby gold Severum which is currently 3 inches. I know that tank size matters when it comes to a fishes growth and that's why I have him in my 120 gallon with 3 BP's and a Fire Mouth. How...
  2. ShanerBock888

    Does Active Juvenile Polypterus = Active Adult??

    In the next couple months I plan on getting my first Poly and obviously would like it to be active. From what I've read, Senegal has the reputation as the most active of the Bichirs, but it really comes down to the individual. I've seen people say that they had a lot of variation in individual...
  3. viper0397

    Potamotrygon Reticulata

    Just curious as to who has seen the largest retic and how large was it. My biggest girl right now is almost 12" in diameter. She is almost 4 years old, and still has occasional growth spurts.
  4. Brittanirdh

    My new EBJDs

    I got these 2 EBJD babies about a month ago. One had ich when it arrived. I treated the whole tank with salt and heat and was successful in defeating the ich with no casualties, but the one who came with ich is growing much slower than the other, and seems to be much more shy. Should I be...
  5. moe214

    Jaguar catfish growth rate?

    Anyone know how fast these fish grow? I know they don't grow to large, but I'm just curious as I plan to keep an ery with it once it gets some size. Right now it's maybe 2-2.5". I figure by the time it's 4" I can add an ery, hopefully it'll be girthy by then. Also, mine has like the block...