
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. C

    Jaguar sexing

    i have around a 7 inch jaguar cichlid. When I vented it, it looked like this oO. Any guesses?
  2. C

    Jaguar cichlid gender

    I was wondering if anyone can tell if my jag is a male or female yet? I’m having a tough time but I’m guessing a male.
  3. C

    Jaguar cichlid male or female

    Can anyone tell if this jag is a male or female yet?
  4. C

    Freeze dried food

    What would be the better for my Jaguar Cichlid. Freeze dried shrimp or freeze dried krill?
  5. Oz fish guy

    Breeding monster fish down under

    Jaguars! These fish are as hostile as isis memebers. They will shread you just for fun. Please share your storys of these buggers with me. Have they drawn blood on you ?
  6. Oz fish guy

    G'day hows it goin. Shout out from down under.

    So im in oz (Australia) and im looking for knowledge. I keep parachromis. I think they are sweet as! obviously they arent from here so i need you guys to help me out when i run into strife.. Oz fish guy
  7. M

    2 Marineland 350 & 1 C360

    75 Tank remains clear, but re-occuring algae is a pain. All my rock work is covered as well. I use a PF40-UV when I clean the glass, for spore removal. Tank is currently over stocked with Cichlids, 0 ppm NH3/4 & N2; NO3 regularly climbs to 80+ppm. I know the tank size is too small for any of the...
  8. M

    Growth rate

    I want to know the growth rate for several South/ Central American cichlids? for instance Red Terror black nasty dovii jaguar cichlid. I have a 10 inch male Texas cichlid who is about 2 years old. I have a male Midas or Red Devil about 8 or 9 inches and he's two and a half years old I have a...
  9. vildotcom

    New P. Managuensis Pickup

    Thank you Craigslist! It's been a long time since I had a proper fish. Picked this guy up yesterday from a very nice family that was moving and breaking down their tank. Ad said 6'' but this guy's looking more like 7 to 8''. I'm thinking we're a male but I've been out of the game a long time.
  10. G

    Purchased a "Dovii/Managuense Hybird" for $15

    Hello I am new to MFK. I would like to show you guys a bad picture of one of my fish I had purchased a Month ago. I purchased it for $15 from a local exotic fish store in Connecticut. I was told it was a Dovii managuense hybrid (Wolf / Jaguar as it was labeled) but I'm not a Dovii or...
  11. B

    Tank stocking

    So my question is if have 1 125 gallon W/ common wolf fish 6 inch Endelzi bichir 6 inch Cuban cichlid 10 inch Jaguar cichlid 8 inch The Cuban and jaguar are a mateing pair I also have a 150 gallon W/red wolf 6 inch Fire eel Black diamond cichlid 4 inch...
  12. jeff meredith

    I need help!!! Fast

    Ok, my jaguar has been having some problems. I have apparently not been aware of said problems though. I've had him for almost 10 years now. Recently (about 30 days ago now) I put some convicts in the tank with him. And even more recently, some crawfish. So first he started losing interest in...
  13. jeff meredith

    Sexing with certainty and anatomy question

    Ok so I have a jaguar cichlid that I would guess is between 10-12" in length and pretty girthy. In a 75 with about a dozen cons. I'm thinking I want to give him (I think he's a he) a mate. He's been through a rough life...well, more so a rough childhood. Anyway, I'd like to know for sure if it's...
  14. R

    Eye getting white on jaguar

    Hello all ! I'm attaching a picture of my friend's jaguar and it's eye getting opaque white slowly.... Can someone suggest what to do ? It's serious matter I think please help what's this & how to cure ?
  15. R

    My jaguar colors

    Attaching my jaguar colors...I'm worried because of since laat one month there is no proper coloration in that even feeding and movement is very much proper...can someone suggest what to do and need to change some foods or what ! I'm giving them Hikari bio gold+...
  16. B

    Rainbow wolf fish tankmates

    Im thinking of adding a rainbow wolf fish to my tank he would be just a little bit smaller than other fish his tankmates will consist of Oscar Green terror Jaguar Salvini Jack dempsey 2 small plecos Any concerns ? Any help would be appreciated
  17. C

    Adding Smaller Cichlids with Larger

    Hi all! I have a black belt cichlid that needs to be moved out of its grow out tank since it is beginning to show aggression to others. This fish is 4 to 5 inches. At what size can I add this fish into a 300 gallon with much larger 9 to 10 inch cichlids (Jag, Bifa and Mayan)?
  18. V


    Can anyone help me figure out what sex my jag is, I've had people say it's a male and others tell me it's female
  19. Sizzy905

    Aggressive cichlid tank

    I'm thinking of starting another 75 gallon tank, I actually wanna get a larger one but due to limited space now since I already got a 75 recently, I think another 4 foot tank is the way to go. I want to stock aggressive cichlids in this one. I really love jags but I know 75 isn't enough for...