First and foremost we hope everyone is doing okay amongst the pandemic and staying safe as well as family and friends.
I apologize for any recent latency in regards to customer contact as we have been dealing with the pandemic as well and making sure our families are safe too as we do have...
Selling my newly acquired jardini. Not being aggressive but his presence seems to stress out my bass school and make them shy. If anything my bigger bass try to bully him. Since bass are my #1 priority he’s got to go. Which sucks because he’s gorgeous and I love jars.
$200 or show me your 8x3+...
im going a different route so selling my jardini...
one of the chillest jardini always kept with others.
will pretty much anything! eats cut fresh sea food
but also pellet trained so it will eat pellets! pickup
at 90703 asking $250- fastest way to get in contact
will be to pm ur number where i...
Hello everyone!
I currently have a 7 inch Jardini whom seems to have broken his neck sometime while I was at work today...He was swimming a little different today so I took a closer look at him. After examining for some time, I noticed that he seems to be stuck looking more to the right. When...
The Jardini needs to be quick, if he doesn't dash across the tank for his shrimp he looses it to the mob. He has given up trying to get it back from them once they have it haha.
My juvenile Jardinii got just a bit over a month ago is now 7" long (was about 5"-5 1/2" when purchased) and i got a 20g long for the temporary (used a cycled sponge filter btw) he has been jumpy at night and rubs his face against glass (i checked him for parasites and everything hes healthy...
Hello MFK members, I need some help with my new jardini arowana. I took him home 3 days ago and he is in my 20 gallon long which was my QT tank while im Cycling a 210 to be my first monster tank. He is 6 inches long and seems to be healthy for the most part. However as a QT tank I did not have...
As some of you may know already I have 15 x silver dollars and 1 x Jardini in my 180 gal. Then 7 x Geophagus Tapajos in my 40ish gal.
As of now everything is balanced, no aggression, great water quality (water change once a week as soon as nitrates reach 20ppm, sometimes every 5 days if its a...
Hello MFK members, ive been fishkeeping for a while now so i think im ready to get a bigger tank, I was planning on starting a 6 foot long 125 gal with a jardini arowana and maybe adding an oscar or two down the road.. my question is would a 2 sponge filters rated for 125 gallons work for the...
So just saw these two 4” arowanas at my lfs. Just wondering if i’m correct to say that this is a jardini (dark color, reddish/green sheen):
and this one is a lei (light, silver green sheen):
Also, are jardinis compatible to house with some peacock bass?
So excited about these once i discovered i had to settle with these arowanas instead of asain reds. (Illegally illegal) here in Victotia. surprisingly its only my secound purchase of an Australian monster after purchasing a murry cod for my pond.. gotta say this fish is a stunner and im very...
Picking up a saratoga tomorrow. What do i need to know? Are there any specific saratoga keepers on here i can interrogate? i dont know if its jardini or Leichardti
I am new to this forum and reaching out to anyone who may provide me with some guidance on how to save my Jardini Arowana. I have a 12-14 inch Jardini which I have had since July 2017. My tank is a 8x2x2 tank w/canister filters Fluval FX-6 and Ehiem Pro 3 and I do a 25% water change...
My friend recently gave me a featherfin synodontis which is 5 inches. My Jardini is 7 inches and in the 180 gallon. When I put the synodontis there, the catfish seems to follow the jardini around and making him agitated. He doesn't bite him but the jardini gets agitated and as a defense started...
im gonna make a paludarium and when i went to the fish store these archerfish grabbed my attention and i really want them now but they need brackish water, can a jardini arowana live in brackish water?
As of today I started feeding my Jardini aro "Rainbowfish Krill-e"
As of now my aro seems to like and has eaten the pieces I have given him. My goal is grow him out nicely and bring out the best color possibly. From what I have read I understand...
Hello, I am having trouble with my jardini arowana. He keeps hitting the glass of his aquarium too much, he has bruises all over his body. He is 30 cm, and his tank is 3X1X1,5 meters. He is alone in the tank, and he eats well. Is it possible to have too big of a tank?