
  1. baxtor_lex

    Meet George (Offically) Progress Thread :-)

    Hi everybody, hope your ok? Now George is settled i thought it was the right time to start a official thread of him, so i can post updates about him and *hopefully* any future spawns with him. I also will tell you all abit more about him, and his personality, which at the moment would be deemed...
  2. baxtor_lex

    New Hybrid Midas/Devil X Vieja

    Hi guys! Iv been out of the hobby now for quite some time but decided to snag myself a 5 foot tag, so when I went to get some fish, (Iv generally had cichlids or flowerhorns in the past) I saw a tank full of what I believe to be Red Devil X Synspilum. I think that the breeder perhaps tried...
  3. Z

    Midas breeding fry variation

    I'm wondering if you breed two similar coloured Midas would the fry come out the same as parents or would you get a varied spawn in colour my goal is to get through breeding my 2 white with a few bits of orange pair of Midas to give me at least one pure red Midas hopefully has anyone ever got...
  4. gregkarr09

    Cincinnati Cichlids??

    Does anyone know of a good store around Cincinnati Ohio that sells, central and south american cichlids? I am in the market for a Red devil, Midevil, Green Terror...I can't find any stores around worth a S*%#! Also I am in the market for a 75 gal Tank with stand (fliter and extra's welcomed)...
  5. Ihsnshaik

    Large water change???

    I am wondering if it's okay to do a 80-90 percent water change in a 200 gallon tank. I have a 50 gallon sump with a sponge filter in it ( Just incase I need to setup another tank) and one inside my tank. It has an overflow system and was wondering if a large water change will impact my fish. My...
  6. Y


    could you guys please i.d my 8cm fish . ? more lab ? or midas? thanks
  7. aGiantCichlid

    red devil questions

    questions about my red devil/midas how big are they when they get there characteristic orange/yellow/red colours? mines 2-3 inches atm and is still the grey colour babys have. Already quite aggressive attacks me through the glass and such a very neat lil fish.
  8. TriLamb13

    My Midas is a picky eater...

    My midas DIablo is a bit of a picky eater. He used to love frozen bloodworms and then started to boycott them and switched to loving pellets. Now he has decided to turn his nose up at both. He has also had appx 6 feeder fish friends hanging out with him for a few months because he refused to eat...