
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Jenessap

    My baby dragon eel Draco

    Even though he’s evil looking he’s a good boy…for now
  2. BillyinPA

    Trimac Cichlid - Big Mack

    Here is my Trimac Cichlid "Big Mack". He is a complete menace of a fish. I just put him and his lady friend in a 180 gal tank. They had fry within 4 days of meeting each other. Im growing out as many fish as I can from that bunch. Hope...
  3. M

    For Sale 18" Redtail Catfish

    Eating just about any and everything you offer. Friendly with tankmates
  4. stevbo200

    Dovi sexting help

    Haven’t posted on here in quite some time. I picked up this dovi few months ago having no idea what sex it was, now that it’s have grown a bit I’m leaning towards a female from the gold color and lack of spots on the tail. Just wanna see what kind of trouble I’m looking at as it grows seeing...
  5. Jtank

    Datnoid identification

    Just wondering what type of Datnoid this is. TIA!
  6. W

    50 gallon aquarium stocking - jack, green terror, blue acara, etc.

    Hey everyone I recently purchased a 50 gallon and want to put a jack, green terror, blue acara(hope fully a pair), firemouth, plecos, etc in it. I was wondering how many fish can i put in there and what kind of cichlids listed above can go in together ?? thank in advance for the advice.
  7. M

    For Sale 22" albino arowana

    Need gone as soon as possible
  8. Jtank

    For Sale Monster fish sale

    Fish for sale. Pickup only Milwaukee, WI 53224. All fish are eating pellets, shrimp, scallop, freeze dried krill. Jardini 14-15” $300 Ornate 14-15” $150 Ornate 14-15” $150 Ornate 7-8” $100 Endlicheri 11-12” $100 Endlicheri 10” $100 Delhezi 7-8” $60 Jack Dempsey 5” $10 Jack Dempsey 5” $10 Jack...
  9. C

    For Sale XL Bichir

    Up for sale. 18-20" Ornate $100 17-18"+ Endli $75 14-16"+ Endli $50
  10. R

    For Sale Moving sale- Pick up only Hagerstown MD 21740

    **SOLD** 360 gallon (8’x38”x25”)Aquarium w stand and canopy- GLASS $2,000 Wolf fish- black, mala (many avail, several sizes) Tigrinus- 5-8” $175-$200 Jardini- Giant $200 **SOLD**Odoe pikes- 6”/14” Red pike- 8”/12” $75 Payara-5”/8”. $125 Bichirs- 4”-20”+ Several of each (laps, endlis, ansorgii...
  11. Balake2424

    Want to Buy Looking to buy peacock bass

    I'm looking to buy some peacock bass let me know if you have any Available, I'm located in Michigan I can meet or I will pay for shipping if you can ship
  12. A

    For Sale 14” Albino Arowana PICKUP ONLY

    Hello Everyone, a buddy of mine is moving out of NYC and needs to relocate his beautiful albino Arowana. He bought him for $300 at 8” and now he’s 14”. If Anyone in NYC or nearby wants to pick him up THIS WEEK (only) $300, and he’s yours.
  13. M

    For Sale Monster clown loaches

    I have 4 massive clown loaches for sale. Selling them because I want my tank to go south american. 1 XL loach at 9 inches and the other 3 are 5-6 inches. 200 for the whole group. My email is and my zipcode is 89179. Only local pickup so no shipping
  14. A

    For Sale FS: 6-7" Arapaima Gigas $400 OBO

    Hey Guys, One of my buddies is selling him baby arapaima, he's about 7" in a grow out tank. He's located in NYC but willing to consider shipping. He is also considering/open to trades. Feel free to message me with any questions -Alex 9143641652
  15. S

    Rescued a massive Silver Dollar, will it shoal with smaller Silver Dollars?

    Hi everyone, I saw the Silver Dollar at my LFS. I figured I'd get it since I have a mostly empty 125 gallon tank. I wanted to see if anyone would know if the Silver Dollar would shoal with smaller ones. I have never seen a Silver Dollar bigger than 2in diameter at a fish store, this one is...
  16. I

    Arapaima Eye Wound

    Help, arapaima's one eye injured he is currently 2.5ft in length. I have no idea how this happened. Have few driftwoods in there. He is in a 1000 gallons pond for now.
  17. S

    For Sale Payara 8in

  18. Kaymac13

    RT Catfish

    Just wanted to be extra and show off some pics I took of my big baby Red Tail Kitty?
  19. F

    For Sale Arapaima FS 91335

    Arapaima I’m looking to rehome he’s big about 2 ft and eats a lot. Located in Reseda. I’ve had him for a few weeks. Willing to possibly trade but would rather sell. 300
  20. U

    Why I'm not seing "monster" aquaponics setups in english communities? Is by googlefoo bad? xD

    So... we all know that if we stick a pothos in the aquarium, it consumes the nitrates hense, less "frequent water changes" (not really). I've found a couple of russian channels, that took that several levels higher. Here's an example: While the dude explains well how to build one and stuff, I...