
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. N

    FREE Free Albino Bichir and Tiger shovel nose cat

    Both free. Both roughly 5-6 inches. Beautiful fish but wrong tank mates. Local pick up.
  2. F

    Idea on a 400 gallon tank.

    Hello All, I have built a 7X3X3 ft concrete tank outside my home. Please suggest the filtration system and fish stocking. Thanks
  3. jsoto2005

    Large Flowerhorn Filtration Setup

    Hey guys, just a quick discussion for all you filtration freaks out there. I have a 4'x2'x28" with just one SRD flowerhorn cichlid. Im running an eheim 2217 (1000l/h) and an eheim 2215 (620l/h). For inside the tank im running a double canister filter by Qanvee and adding another soon, also...
  4. C

    Want to Buy Exotic fish

    Looking for exotic fish anywhere from 1-12 inches. The more exotic the better or if someone has a goliath tiger In north cal
  5. B

    Monster fish california

    Hello, which monster fish are legal to own in california?
  6. M

    Pike Cichlid has grown too large

    Hello all. I bought a pike cichlid about two years ago, without knowing much about them. Since then the little two inch fish has grown into a 12" monster in my 30 gallon tank. I know this is too small of a tank and doesn't help that there are also three blood parrot cichlids in there as well...
  7. Luxury Fish Keeping

    FS | 24" Lapredei Bichirs

    Up for sale are my two Lapredei Bichirs. Both are 24" in length, pretty thick and are around 3-3.5" in girth. Eating Massivore pellets, tilapia, and shrimp. $550 each or both for $1000. Picked up/meet in Orange County area only. Leave your number if you are interested.
  8. Luxury Fish Keeping

    FS 7 inch Vittatus African Tiger FIsh VATF SoCal Garden Grove CA 92841 $140

    Up for sale is my 7" VATF $140. Meet up in Garden Grove/Westminster area in CA, Orange County. Very healthy and strong. Eats cut fish, shrimp, and sinking pellets. PM for meet ups or leave number.
  9. Luxury Fish Keeping

    WTB Weeksii Bichir SoCal

    WTB Weeksii Bichirs Can meet locally in SoCal PM me info! Thanks
  10. L

    Stocking for 400 Gallon concrete pond

    Hello everyone, I have created a 400 gallon concrete pond (6'X3'X3'). I want to stock some predator fishes. In my LFS there are some spotted gars (18inch & 3-4inch), silver arowana (5-8inch), small RTCs (2-3inch), Oscars (small to large). Besides this I have also raised 2 Oscars from baby to...
  11. Luxury Fish Keeping

    WTB Big Bala Sharks 10 inches or bigger

    Looking for 10 inches or bigger Bala Sharks lmk what you’ve got. Can pick up locally in Southern California Orange County area. Text me 7144540867 Thank you
  12. GiantFishKeeper101

    My Cat Tank

    8x4x3/480g tank. Not a monster tank but the largest fish are 21", so he will be swimming comfortably. Love the natural look. Going for biotope but the fish aren't exactly from the same river, aren't from the same country even. Got Thailand, Brazil, China & Africa.
  13. CristianV

    Trilogy of Fantasy Fish Battle: The Winner

    Within the past two threads, out of all the possibilities, it has been whittled down to two finalist. The Aimara Wolfish & The Golden Dorado Place your bets on who would come out on top. Any experiences and knowledge will help us come to the conclusion, one fish left.
  14. CristianV

    Pick Your Winner

    A continuation of my previous thread “Fantasy Fish Battle”. I’ve accumulated who my top dogs would be so I’m letting you guys pick the champ! If choice isn’t listed, post who you’d pick. Explainations of your pick would be appreciated, thanks guys! (No snakeheads as they are illegal in America)
  15. J

    What fish for pond?

    Hello everyone. I was wondering what monster fish could survive in an 8ft long, 7ft wide and 2ft deep pond in the winter? I live in Michigan, so it gets fairly cold in the winter here. I would say low 30's for water (Fahrenheit). I was hoping gar, but they can not stand that cold of water...
  16. J

    What fish for pond?

    Hello everyone. I was wondering what monster fish could survive in an 8ft long, 7ft wide and 2ft deep pond in the winter? I live in Michigan, so it gets fairly cold in the winter here. I would say low 30's for water (Fahrenheit). I was hoping gar, but they can not stand that cold of water...
  17. Oz fish guy

    Knowledge required.. aquired 3hrs ago Leichardti saratoga. (arowana)

    So ive just aquired a saratoga Leichardti Australian arowana. $160 cash. He is in my small dog tank at the moment. I need every bit of information ever known guys. If you feel like you have input please go right ahead.. aquired 3 hours ago ph is 7.3 - 7.4 dont know GH. Temperature is 25deg...
  18. F

    Tropical fish pond southern Spain?

    So my family are planning on moving to southern Spain (Costa del sol area) and I want to have a pond outside. The pond would be 2000 to 5000 gallons and contain fish such as red tail catfish,arowanas etc. In the summer months Costa del sol is perfect for keeping these kind of fish outdoors but...
  19. B

    Possible 125 Gallon Project...

    I've been thinking about it lately and I think I want to put together my first "monster" tank. I think the jump from 55 to 125 (6ft) isn't too crazy and greatly widens my stocking selections. To narrow it down I'd like to stock SA/CA cichlids. Filtration: I'm trying to decide between a Fluval...
  20. F

    3/6/18 Monster Updated stock list.