monster fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. M

    Keeping Red Bellied Piranhas With freshwater Moray Eel And Walking Catfish

    Hi I just introduced my two red bellied Piranhasabout 4 inches and 20-23cm long snowflake moray eel with my already existing full grown two walking catfishs. After I introduced them my W. Catfishs didn't bother my eel but it was disturbing my 2 Piranhas. I did put some mud and sand to the...
  2. RubyRuby234

    My new addition to our Fish Family!!

    My new BEAUTIFUL Jaguar Cichlid!! So happy welcome to the family Jet!
  3. LBDave

    Golden Dorado

    I haven't seen much on this fish on MFK. Looks like a real Monster. Puts the Peacock Bass to shame. Would need a huge tank. Anybody have any of these fish? Pictures?
  4. ItsFishMoney

    80GAL Tank Build

    Hey friends. New member posting my predator tank build progress as it comes along. So far I have acquired and 80GAL tank that I have stripped and am going to reseal in next few days. I have also purchased a Fluval 406 filter with year supply of media. Icecap 3K Gyre flow for water circulation. I...
  5. H

    Water Cow Goby

    I live in Gettysburg Pennsylvania, Im so sorry but can anyone ship one to me for super cheap? I dont got alot of money, and Id take very good care of it!
  6. Luxury Fish Keeping

    WTB Big Bala Sharks 10 inches or bigger

    Looking for 10 inches or bigger Bala Sharks lmk what you’ve got. Can pick up locally in Southern California Orange County area. Text me 7144540867 Thank you
  7. H

    Sex of baby flowerhorn.

    i bought a baby flower horn,a week ago..i want to know the gender of my baby flowerhorn.... any help would be appreciated....
  8. F

    FS: Fluval FX6’s and one FX5 $200 $150

    Location: SoCal. Southbay Several FX6 filters in excellent condition. Up and running and fully cycled for freshwater. $200 each. One FX5 available for $150 as well. Local pick up only Firm on the price.
  9. F

    FS: Fluval FX6’s and one FX5 $200 $150

    Location: SoCal. Southbay Several FX6 filters in excellent condition. Up and running and fully cycled for freshwater. $200 each. One FX5 available for $150 as well. Local pick up only Firm on the price.
  10. T

    FS | Arapaima 9” | Burbank, CA | $240

    9”. Stunning quality, eating frozen blood worms. $240, have 2 Available 818-726-8550
  11. H

    Help me out with my kelberi pcbass

    I have two bass that are around 7" now and all there eatting is blood worms still and here and there if I mix beef heart or fish eggs with the worms they will accidentally eat them. But I really would like to get them two eat krill so i can but them in my 240g with a 16" arowana. And two...
  12. T

    FS | two 180 gallon aquariums | $1825 | Northampton,ma | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: two 180 gallon aquariums What are your prices?: 1825 Where are you located?: Northampton,ma Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Two 180 gal. acrylic fish tanks used. One has a metal stand and comes with two fx6...
  13. AG458

    Something you guys will probably appreciate

    So I went to a fish store earlier to browse their current stock. I came across this monster for sale; around $400 to be exact. The owner had it for two years before returning it to the store he bought it from. I figured, since I've been off of MFK for a while, this would kick off my return!:)
  14. Jacob._.merc

    fat sleeper goby

    I recently picked up this freshwater sleeper goby at my lfs. It was labeled sleeper goby and didnt have any info on it. It looks to me like a dormitator latifrons which i hope it will be so it doesnt get as big like its counterpart, dormitator maculatus. Can anyone tell me which one it could be...
  15. xDestro

    Who has the biggest fish?

    I really wanna know who has the biggest fish out of all the members? Not only that I wanna see who has the biggest of say "X" species. For example if a member has a neon tetra that's 5 inches... Well I wanna see it!! lol Even if it's not a monster to others post your personal monster fish...
  16. P

    Looking for a Monster Fish & Peacock Bass Club Speaker in the US.

    Looking for a Monster Fish & Peacock Bass Club Speaker in the US. I am with the The Rocky Mountain Cichlid Association, and I am looking to have our club fly in a speaker to do a power point talk on Monster Fish and Cichlids in October of late this year, maybe someone who has footage on their...
  17. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    BOLT CATFISH (Aguarunichthys torosus)

    Just found this species on planet catfish, anyone one here keeping one or seen one up for sale anywhere?
  18. amazontank

    FTS | Payara Armatus 2'+ | $800 obo | Carlsbad | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FTS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Payara Armatus 2'+ What are your prices?: 800 obo Where are you located?: Carlsbad Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Hello my mfk legends just going one last time on my payara! Friend posted last week I was...
  19. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Is this a platinum iridescent shark?

    Brought 2 ID sharks 2day both looked normal coloured however 1 changed when put in the tank i don't think it's albino as it's eyes look normal is this a platinum ID shark?
  20. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    WTB: Any oddball fish for sale UK

    Has anybody got any oddball, predatory,monster fish for sale/rehoming in the UK all types considered