motoro ray

  1. I

    Looking for Motoro stingrays

    Looking for someone who would be willing to ship me 1 male and 1 female Motoro stingray and/or someone in Canada within an 8 hour drive from Winnipeg ,mb that I could meet looking for young rays around 6-8 inches I am located in Winnipeg Manitoba So that's were there would be shipped to
  2. freshfishin727

    Black petco sand for m-motoro

    I have a 6.5x2.5×2.5 tank that is stocked with 5 red hooks 2 lapradei 1 endlicheri 2 tarpon 1 african pike 1 african arowana 1 lima shovel And now a newly added 10" disc male marbled ray. Question the tank has 1.5 deep black petco sand on the bottom, bout 6 months old. No issues on the...