
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Willyy

    Small motoro, wild angels, G. Dicro

    Looking to thin out my stock before school starts, interested in trades for neotropical (Uruguay) gymnogeophagus and crenicichla. Send me offers on whatever.
  2. DanHOB

    Huge rays in our pond with Aro’s

    Massive pond with our massive rays (2x bd’s, p14, Motoro) and Aro’s We was getting our Aro’s to be ‘handfed’ which they eventually did☺️
  3. Exotic Aquatics LLC

    Blowout on current stock!

    Dont hesitate to get in touch with us if you see something you like! If your looking to purchase multiple items, we would be happy to offer you further savings!! Email or Text Us what you were thinking of purchasing, and we can go from there. Email: ExoticAquatics908@gmail.Com Phone...
  4. Cowturtle

    Rays in their natural habitat

    Here's a pretty cool video of motoros in the wild they're attaching trackers to their tails. Here's another by the same guy in English. Here's a cool video of a castexi in some shallow water. And catching a Potamotrygon marinae If anyone has any other videos or pictures please share them...
  5. AquaScape


    We got some more beautiful stingrays in! BDs, Motoros, and Pearls! Motoro 3.5"-4" -SOLD OUT Hybrid 4" -$250.oo Pearl (m) 4"-5" -SOLD OUT Pearl (f) 4"-5" -SOLD OUT BD `1812(m) 8"-9" -SOLD BD `47 (m) 6"-7" -$500.oo BD `85 (f) 6"-7"...
  6. aeromast

    Anyone have issues with rays + F. prochilodus? Experiences?

    I recently added my 8" Flagtail Prochilodus with my (considerably much larger) motoro + pearl because I got rid of my big panaques due to them leaving wood debris everywhere, and I keep seeing him hovering over/around my rays and it's starting to worry me. Any tips? Should I worry? Forgive the...
  7. AquaScape

    Stingray Specials (Christmas Gift from AquaScapeOnline to you)

    Happy Holiday Specials Pearl Stingray Pups 4" (Captive Bred) Males 300.00 ea Females 350.00 ea. 550.00 Pair Motoro Pups 4" (Captive Bred) Males 150.00 Females 150.00 Black Diamond 7" (Captive Bred) Males 500.00 Females 600.00 1000.00 Pair Pics up soon, Limited quantity available
  8. S

    Sick motoro stingray

    I've had my stingray for a little over one month. He's been acting fine up until a few days ago. He hangs out by the filter pump pretty much all day as of recently. He normally swims all around the tank or stays by the heater. A week ago I notice some fungus on his barb, but it has not been...
  9. R

    Marble and Mini Marble Difference

    Is there such thing as a mini marble? Are all marbles considered mini marbles? If not, what is the size difference between the two? Thanks in advance.
  10. M

    I think its a Motoro, but the spots. ID please.

    Hello all, I have purchased this guy for $175 from a LFS, the storeowner couldnt tell me which kind of ray it is but said he has had him there for almost 2 weeks. I have had him now for 5 days, the ray is eating bloodworms and slivers of shrimp. The ray is only about 5 inches across, eats well...
  11. G

    looking for some rays for my tank.....

    Ok he is the short story..... not sure that many remember me here but used to be very very active in this forum. Have had rays for the last 15 years. Was one of the first to ever breed retic rays (17 pups shipped nationally). At one point we had 9 adult rays in our 600 gallon tank. Over the...
  12. Mohammed Sadaqat

    Motoros with some sort of Burns.

    Writing on behalf of a friend, who purchased 4 Motoros, All of them developed red marks around their discs, and after a few days the skin would peel off and a chunk of the disc would be missing, Attached a few pics of a male who is badly damaged and may not see the light of tomorrow, and a...
  13. X

    WTB | 8-10" Motoro stingrays (regular or marbled)| $0-300 |Providence RI |Shipping

    What type of listing is this?: WTB What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Motoro stingray What are your prices?: $0-$300 Where are you located?: Providence, RI Pickup or Able to Ship?: Shipping Description: I'm looking to buy a 1 or 2 male or female motoro stingrays. I'm hoping they'll be...
  14. A

    WTB | Marble Motoro, Dats, Flagtails, Red Hooks - Chicagoland

    Need Marble Motoros, preferrably high quality. 1 Male, 1 Female. Disk Size 6-12" Need Dats, Indo, ST, or NTT are fine, only need one roughly 5" Flagtail Fish, Preferably 5"+ Red Hooks - Looking for about 8 that are in the 4-6" range. I would definitely prefer to pick up in the area. I'm in west...
  15. T

    Motoro trying to get into weir.

    Hello, My motoro pup is trying to get over the glass in the tank into the weir. I am worried that she will get in there and hurt herself. Should I be worried, and what should I do? TIA
  16. freshfishin727

    Male marbled motoro taking a shot like a man

    Check it out dropped the shot glass full of worms by accident and the ray was super happy
  17. viper0397

    Looking for help please

    I have a marbled motoro that has lightened up drastically in color, almost whitish. Also I believe there may be blood in the stool. The only change I have made is I added some sand that was from another tank that I baked at 375 degrees for 90 minutes to sterilize. I have 2 in this tank. 75...
  18. viper0397

    Marbled motoros

    Here are some pictures of my 2 female marbled motoros. They were born 9/17/2015.
  19. B

    how many motoros?

    hello everyone, this is my first post so let me start by introducing myself. My name is Ben and I am the manager of a large aquatic store and have been a hobbyist for over 10 years. I would consider myself a experienced aquarist however "monster fishkeeping" is one area of the hobby I know very...