new tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. blazin_dragon18

    For Sale Brand New Super High-Grade Acrylic Tank 375 Gallons LA Pick Up/Ship

    For sale is a brand new custom built acrylic tank ~375 gallons, 5'11" x 34" x 36"(H), made from Chemcast GP (one of the best high grade cell cast acrylic with ultra high clarity). The tank is 2" thick on all 4 walls, 1" top and bottom. It has a custom made overflow box as shown in the...
  2. F


    Evening, I just moved my arowana. Hé was out of water for like 30-45 seconds. He is now at the bottom of the tank breathing heavily. I moved his filter over to give it an even better cycle of a tank. my question is what can I do to get him adjusted. any Help or advice will be greatly...
  3. IgnatzMcJockel

    New Year, New Tank

    Hey MFK ! I am planing a new Tank ! The plan is a large Paludarium for my Polysand other fish. The floor of the Tank will be complete water with a wood / stone stack in the middle reaching the surface forming a small island. The Backwall and the island will be planted. Why a Paludarium? I like...
  4. A

    Fish suggestion for my new tank.

    Hello there, I would like to know what fish I can keep in my new tank. Here are my new tank's dimensions: 12 inches in depth, 18 inches in height, and 4 feet in width. *Sorry I can't take a picture or a video of my tank, as it's still under process.* Thanks in advance.
  5. Daniel36

    Guppy breeding tank set up.

    I consider myself very new to the hobby, I have my flowerhorn set up in a 56gal tank and recently a guppy pair. My thinking was I would breed them, they seem fun and easy. I have a 29gal tank thank I’ve cycled for about a week prior. The salesperson that sold me the fish asked me how long I have...
  6. _bsafarijoe

    Help With New Cichlid Tank

    Five days ago I took my previously unused but full of water and bio medium 55 gallon fish tank and did a whole rehaul on it. I left in the original substrate and bio medium after cleaning out the filter and I set it up for African cichlids, I have not added any fish to it yet but I was wondering...
  7. R

    In need of new tank ideas!

    Hey everyone! How you guys been, I haven’t been on in a wild, and then I couldn’t remember my old password and what email I had it on so I just made a new account. Anyway, I’ve had my 20 gallon tank for around 3 years now, and I’ve kept my danios for the whole time, might sound like a boring...
  8. T

    Cephalosilurus apurensis (Advice)

    Hello! I'm interested in getting a Cephalosilurus apurensis (Apure Jelly Catfish) and since there are a lot of knowledgeable people here, I thought I might be lucky enough to find someone with personal experience of keeping one. I intend to setup a new tank for this beast and my question is...
  9. N

    Possible to cycle too long?

    We started out our cycle trying to transfer some good bacteria from our old tank the filter media and a little old gravel then added ammonia. The gravel is planned to be removed to go for a more natural river rock bottom. The ammonia was too high, ph was too high, we then switched tactics and...
  10. A

    40 Gallon Tank Cichlid Stocking Options

    Hi All, I recently purchased a 40 gallon tank and it is close to being cycled. There are a lot of plants and open-ended pots for plenty of shelter. I am interested n stocking the tank with South American and Central American cichlids. Specifically, I am interested in firemouths, electric blue...
  11. Sarahmander

    Moved the bichirs to the 100 gallon... what to expect?

    Hey guys, I just moved my three bichirs from their 45 gal to a 100 gal that has the same water parameters as theirs and is the same temp. I have been running it for a few months with some tester fish to make sure the bacteria is doing its thing. Just drip acclimated them and then released them...
  12. islandguy11

    New 325 glass Arowana tank (7ft) with simple set-up

    Been busy the last week after getting in a new custom-made showpiece tank for my young ~11" Goldenhead Crossback Arowana, which had been in a 4' grow out tank since I got him a month ago. His new tank is 84"L X 32"W X 28"H (yes I know kind of weird numbers but I could choose whatever I wanted...
  13. U

    Stocking Question

    Hi guys, I am in the process of selecting a stock list for my 125 gallon tank as sadly my Oscar just died. I currently have a Fluval FX5 for filtration and in the tank a Rhino/Chocolate Pleco and a Raphael Catfish that are both grown leftover from the previous stock list. I am bouncing the...
  14. M

    Opinions on a 600 gallon stocking idea

    In the very far distant future ( When I have saved enough money to buy this monster tank) I plan on having some fish! My main focus on this tank is the Fire Eel. I've spent several weeks researching these fish and wanted to get an opinion from those more experienced than myself. Do you think...
  15. Kayden

    180 gallon stocking

    I have had the opportunity to get a great deal on a 180 gallon aquarium (with all filtration etc.) before I scape it I want to decide the inhabitants. So far my stocking plans are. 2 Oscars 1 Chocolate Cichlid 1 Lima Shovelnose catfish 6 Red Head Geophagus Or 1 or 2 Florida or spotter gars...
  16. T

    new filtration

    I have a 200g tank in the way and still haven't decided on filtration. I have never had a tank this big and am not sure where to go. I am thinking about doing two canisters, but I have no clue about sumps. anyone wanna weigh in and shed some light and drop some tips??? Currently there will be...
  17. J

    Channa bleheri in a 30 gallon?

    Hey guys! I have finally persuaded my parents to get an aquarium! A friend of my dad gave us the aquarium, so I can’t buy something else etc I am in love with the Rainbow snakeheads! I do not mind having a single specimen in my tank. The dimensions are 61*41*58 cm (length*width*height) Could it...
  18. Chinnavar

    Oscar tank

    Hellooo, I always wanted to have an oscar or 2, I recently found this cheap second hand Juwel rio 450 ( Dimensions are 151 x 51 x66 cm). Now I was wondering if it would be big enough for 2 oscars, a poly or 2 and a clean up crew and which filter would be ideal for this setup? Since I can save...
  19. R

    Biggest Fish Possible in 7ft tank

    Hello All! I'm dying to get a Monster tank in my home with some monster sized fish. However, due to spacial limitations the biggest I can go is 7' L x 2' W. Not exactly "monster" but I'll take what I can get. I can make the tank anywhere from 24" tall to 36". This will result in a tank that...
  20. N

    20 gal tank suggestion?

    Hi. I could use some suggestion from you guys. I have a 60 cm x 40 cm x 35 cm tank and already running for 2 weeks. The water ph is always around 7.7 or 7.8. I am confuse of what fish should i add that is able to live until it hit max size in my tank. Should i add one channa bleheri and one...