new tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. C

    New tank

    I just purchased a 60 gallon aquarium I was in the hobby for years my parents bred Oscar's I have been aroun the hobby my whole life I had a disaster happen about 10 years ago I had 2 70 gallon tanks and a 125 the 125 was salt water 1 of the 70s was angel fish and the other was African cichlids...
  2. rucus

    What are these growths

    I just set up a new 40b over the weekend. Everything is new, tank, canister, glass canopy, cichlid substrate, ect. Only thing I bought used were little caves I found in a dry goods box at LFS for cheap. Also bought 2 live plants. Tanks running 3 days and I see these tiny little things growing on...
  3. K

    Upgrading Tanks

    Hey all, I am planning on finally upgrading my 46 gallon tank to a 75 gallon tank. My question is, do I have to cycle the new tank for 6-8 weeks? or can I xfer everything over and add new water as if I did a water change? I won't be adding any new fish, just some more driftwood and a couple...
  4. N

    Monster fish to small community fish

    I’ve been keeping monster fish and have a huge tank for years now Arowana, Gars, Bass, stingrays etc but have now sold as I’m moving house. I’m thinking of using this tank now as a community tank with small fish what doesn’t come with some of the stress these big fish sometimes give. My...
  5. Ohionick2017

    Juvenile jack dempsey won't eat

    I set up a 55 gallon tank this past saturday and got a jack dempsey that sunday to do a fish in cycle. Since i got him I've done 2 water changes and i haven't seen him eat. I did see white fecies so i bought some api general cure and I put the second dose in today. His colors have come a long...
  6. Mount_Prion

    Newly built tank, silicone concern?

    If my tank was newly built, like within the last 2 weeks, should I wait a while to fill the tank with water? Somebody at my LFS said he would wait another week or two. He said even though they say the silicone takes 2-3 days to set, he's seen new silicone split when a tank is filled if it...
  7. B

    Hey everyone, just bought a new tank

    so I went out today and got myself a 125 gallon tank! It is going to be stocked with a royal clown knife around 8" a juvenile oscar, a juvenile orange shoulder severum, and a sengalus bichir. "I am aware I will need an even bigger tank in the future" anyway tommy question.. what kind of...
  8. 2

    Angelfish ID and community setup

    Hello guys. I have recently reworked my 90g tank, and is preparing to introduce new fish this weekend. Currently, the tank is home to 14 lemon tetra, 2 emperor tetra, 4 bristlenose pleco, and 2 Corydoras trilineatus. Here is my stocking plan: 30 lemon tetra 12 Emperor tetra 4 bristlenose pleco...
  9. O

    New Tank Help

    Around the start of term my dad brought back to life my 55 gal square tank, and he got these two beautiful Oscar babies, two Green terror babies, a red tailed shark, and an albino pleco... Not realizing how big they all get. Long story short I'm going to build a new tank that's much bigger for...
  10. Dustin0413

    Opinions/suggestions on water please

    I am in the process of cycling a new 125 gal tank and I'm still getting a slightly greyish/whitish hue or haze when viewing the tank from the end. It looks pretty clear from the front. It sort of looks like a bacterial bloom which did in fact happen a day or two after setting the tank up, but...
  11. R

    Freshly sealed 265 gallon

    Ok just sealed my 265 and day by day i have added water and it is now full. I am planning on waiting a few days before i drain it (a few times) so that all toxins are gone. So now my question is if cycling it in my way will be good enough or should i do this dropping ammonia in it and watching...
  12. Dustin0413

    Tank and fish rescue

    I'm a forum newbie here, but I've had aquariums for over ten years and want to share my current story: The last few years my 125 gal SA cichlid tank has been at my buddies house/old roomate. I decided to leave it there after my wife and I bought a new house. He kept the tank for the last 4...
  13. S

    Hey i'm new here

    Hey there i am completely new to the aquarium hobby and i would like to setup an aquarium. Can i start with an 10 gallon breeder with a Eheim Classic 150 and a 50 watt heater. I am going to make a stand with 2x4's, and it is going to be in my bedroom. I love puffers i think that for stock a...
  14. Covetous

    Tank choices.

    I'm looking into getting a new tank. I'm looking at a 100g,120g, or a 125g. My main question is, is acrylic worth the money? I can get a tank and stand for around 600 new in glass. Or I can spend about 850-900 to get just the tank in acrylic. A "clear for life" tank. But then I'd have to make...
  15. A

    110 Brackish Tank Stocking Ideas

    Hey I'm new to the forum! I've found room for a 110 gallon in the house and I am thinking a brackish tank. I'm interested in Archerfish, Figure 8 Puffers, Bumblee Gobbies, Green Scats, and Mono Argentus, just not sure exactly what I could get away with? Also, anyone have a canister filter they...
  16. Truetommy

    SA/CA cichlid stocking

    I just recently picked up a ~100 gallon tank. the dimensions are 5' long 18"deep and 20" tall. I currently have 1 convict, 1 Jd, 1 Texas, and 1 Firemouth (all juvinial) in a 55 gallon that i plan on putting in the 100 gallon. Are there any other aggressive cichlids i could keep with these guys...
  17. Sizzy905

    Cycling new tank

    So I have my new 75 gallon sitting in my room and I am letting the filter I bought for it (Quiet flow 55/75) run on my established 50 gallon which uses an aquaclear 50. my questions are 1. If I let the filter cycle and then attach that to my 75 along with many rocks, plastic plants, and gravel...